A New Order

Review and rate user-made single and multiplayer campaigns and scenarios.

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Re: A New Order

Post by brendan_scott »

I enjoyed this campaign.

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)


3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

The long scenarios were comparatively easy
The short scenarios were comparatively hard.

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
Battle of Bannon - I killed the northern leader by rushing him. It said that wasn't supposed to happen.
The Battle of Bannon is a bit odd at best anyway.

6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
make the short "flight" scenarios easier (or provide different objectives or puzzles to them - know this is hard)

7. Was it too short/long enough?
I enjoyed this campaign. It was engaging, so you could spin it out with more scenarios if you wanted

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
Hmmm... I think overall it needs a fair bit of tweaking. The plot line was pretty straightforward. There needs to be more linkage between interrogating enemy leaders and the gameplay. I stopped being concerned about it at some stage. It can be pretty tedious having to get your leader from one end of the map to another to interrogate.

9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
Many. Grammar is unnatural. See attached with my suggested changes - note this file uses en_gb, not en_us (eg fulfil v fulfill). I didn't make some changes because I didn't know the context.

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?

12. What story images you think should be added/removed?
Most of the images need an update...
revision to en_GB translations for A NEW Order - GB
English used
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Re: A New Order

Post by szopen »

Brendan, the ANO for the 1.8 is a bit outdated - the campaign's english was checked by Sigil, and few new images were bought starting with 1.10. You may want to check it one day.
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Re: A New Order

Post by brendan_scott »

I have just upgraded/ downloaded it.
Will take a look.

FYI - while the campaign download says the music is optional the campaign won't start without the music being present.
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Re: A New Order

Post by alelil »

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)
normal (with many time travel back to the past)
3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
8 without loading
4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
didnt notice
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
should have sandbox and bigger world
7. Was it too short/long enough?
just right
8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
it should get a happy ending hehe
9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
didnt notice
10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
didnt notice
11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?

about the story
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Re: A New Order

Post by stpeter »

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)
First I tried "easy". Then I found the first scenarios a bit boring (in the second one, my troops did not even have to fight, the ally won the scenario for me. I found that annoying, because I could not level up any unit.) and restarted with "normal". Later the difficulty increased and I sometimes wished to have sticked with "easy".
3. How difficult did you find the campaign? (1-10)
approximately 7.834; no, frankly speaking this is hard to say, since I cheated here and there.
4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign? (1-10)
5. Was there a bug in the campaign?
some of the new characters (especially Lorin) "flash" (quickly disappear and reappear) during fights. There seems to be something wrong with the animations.
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
I frequently ran out of gold and had to refill my purse manually. The starting gold is always quite low.
I found some scenarios a bit too demanding for normal difficulty. Perhaps it would be better if the enemies would recruit less level 3 units.
In the trapped-scenario, it was quite disappointing not being able to afford buying the help of the Khalifates.
7. Was it too short/long enough?
good length. I liked the (limited) possibility to choose which scenarios to play and which not.
8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
I liked the story a lot, eventually I played more to know the end of the story than for the battles themselves.
I am not sure if the Khalifates are really necessary for the plot. It is not clear, where they come from, where they live, what their objectives are etc... They just serve as mercenaries, but this part could also be played by some native Wesnothian inhabitants, such as dwarfs (who tend to like gold as well).
9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
I played in the German version. Unfortunately, only about a third of the text is translated. The translations are in most cases OK. Some are apparently word-by-word translations from the English original, this leads to strange gramatical constructs.
The English parts I cannot really judge. Seemed OK in general, sometimes there seem to be single words missing. So a general reviev of the language would be appropriate.
10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
no opinion, I don't listen to the music.
11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
I am not an expert in Wesnothian history, but I think it fits well. I was first a bit puzzled about these Akladians appearing out of nothing, but the campaign gives a good explanation of their origins. I liked this story much, it tells a lot about religion, power and thirst for freedom and how these things can counteract. Nicely done.
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Re: A New Order

Post by stpeter »

Well, I forgot to mention something about the Akladian Wisemen. Apart from the fact that this unit's name is wrongly translated into German ("Akladianische Weise" is female, which is certainly not intended), the weakness of this unit is kind of annoying. It is a quite challenging task to provide them experience and avoid them being killed. I did not manage to bring any of them to the second level, though I tried several times. So it would be nice to have this unit either a bit stronger or to reduce the required experience for leveling up.
On the other hand, the Akladian AI enemies recruit dozens of Holymen (level 3) in later scenarios. This is not consistent with the character of this type of unit. Holymen are described as "very rare", which goes well with the difficult leveling up process. So the recruitment pattern should be adapted, I think.
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Re: A New Order

Post by forgetmenot »

Good afternoon,

I finished playing A New Order campaign and I would like to express my admiration for this masterpiece.
I was impress mainly by the artistic value or the story and characterization: the skill with which Karen personality is disclosed and how her story is developed gave me strong feelings, in the same way a good book or moovie would have done.
The artwork (story, characterization, music, the way BfW is hacked to provide a different kind of gameplay) solidity led me to the conclusion this is a complete and worthy work that should not undergo any major changes, despite any flaws that could be found.
I am programmer myself and I would enjoy to work together with the crew that created this campaign.

Now, lets take care of the duties:

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
Battle for Wesnoth 1.10.6 / A New Order 1.2.18

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)

3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
Scenarios ranged between 4 and 10 (the latter is true especially for the last scenarios)
Overall I would say between 8 and 9.

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
- Some conversation inconsitencies depending on the order of execution of the scenarios when given freedom of choice: the characters were sometimes referring to facts yet not happened a they were past and vice versa.
- Level 1 Gawen flashes when he fights: could be an animation name problem or picture missing.

6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gameplay more fun?
I think this campaign is a complete work. While I encourage maintenance, I would highly discourage major changes.
7. Was it too short/long enough?
As with any good works in any fields I have met so far, I did not perceive the length.

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
Please do not change the story.

9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
I could not find any.

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
The music quality is very good, adequate with the game and story quality.

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
If you mean "Would this campaign fit into the mainline", it is too hard a question to me to reply

Final note:
I would just change all the portaits (especially the Akladian noblemen) that do not fit the dramatic setting.

Thank you very much for all the fun I had,

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Re: A New Order

Post by Wesbane »

forgetmenot wrote:I am programmer myself and I would enjoy to work together with the crew that created this campaign.
If you are really interested it is open to grab.
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Re: A New Order

Post by Gnox »

First of all, I would like to give you a hardcore mad props - its the most interesting storyline Ive read so far, and its very obvious that a lot of time and effort was invested in this campaign. Personally I am very impressed, and I had a lot of fun playing it. Thank you very much!

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on? :mrgreen:

1.10.7 / 1.2.18

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)


3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

7 - some stages 10, some stages 5 and below
Haeltin was really hard, I had to go back a stage and try to beat it in less turns to get more gold - and I played it more than ten times before I managed to get the "heroic" victory. Im not sure if thats considered cheating or not - but I played a few of these boards more than once so Im not sure u can count on my score here.

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

10 - though it wasn't clear that answers from interrogations would be different depending on the interrogator from that point on (u mentioned it in one scenario, don't remember which)

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?

in the "large scale map" of Okladia, u can recruit with Gawen on the keeps - not critical, but somehow I don't believe that was done intentionally
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?

Orcs hardly ever call crossbowman or slur bows so putting a line of akladian warriors up against them is a really easy way to defeat them; same with undead - adding shooters would definitely make the game more challenging.
Not enough fights against undead. In "the haunted place" (kinda lame name btw) - I killed the leader in 4 turns (luck, but I didn't interrogate - when I did, it took me 6). I also didn't understand what the keep at the top of the board was for...
There were so many loyal units + they are very strong, that I hardly recruited - maybe only for fodder units here and there especially in last battle.
I was kinda disappointed that I couldn't recruit elves, but Im assuming thats because of there hardcore ranged attacks.
some of the pictures were great and some of them were really crummy: please fix pictures, they really don't represent the quality of this work of art
Im still clueless as to what I was suppose to "explore" in weldyn...
7. Was it too short/long enough?

It was great, I was very upset when it ended - I hoped it would continue...

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?

Yes, but it is obvious that they come from people who "know the story" and edited the text and forgot to erase/add a word or two to complete the sentence. Have someone who doesn't know the story read it from start to end and you will find quite a few mistakes (not critical ones though).

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?

No, great soundtrack, gets you pumped

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?

Yes - but I doubt akladians are balanced with other factions
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Re: A New Order

Post by Wussel »


I am always happy to see people sharing my likes for the best campaign ever.

Since Szopen mostlikely won't mention it and you noticed different quality of art work: People started to donate for art.

Szopen is working with a Polish artist, who is really doing a great job. I donated a picture myself, because I liked the campaign so much. There are a few pieces from a Spanish artist, who is extremly professional too. So up to you ;)
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Re: A New Order

Post by krakken »

First of all, a big "CONGRATULATIONS" to the designers oand developers for this campaign, great job, I've enjoyed a lot playing it
and now, well, let's go to that questions:

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)
3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
well, let's say 6, sometimes less than that, Im an experienced player

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
8 quite clear to me, except the one of the Oracle. I think I didnt understand at first the objective due to the terrible translate to spanish (yep, Im a spaniard)

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
haven't find any

6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
its ok to me, I got a lot of fun

7. Was it too short/long enough?
its ok, I wish to see the story continued, but I think it will be better to continue in a sequel

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
the story is enough interesting, different characters with different wills and thougths, dialogues, quests, events to know and events to guess ...

9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
well, I find that the translation to spanish is really terrible, I'd prefer rather to play it in english. If I can help you in any way to improve it just contact me

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
no to me

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
definitively yes

Please include the answers to the following within a

Code: Select all

12. What story images you think should be added/removed?
its ok to me

13. What were the Lorin's questions to the Oracle?
hmmm thats a difficult question... let me try
14. Why Lorin left Gawen in 19a scenario (entering Okladia)
have no idea, can't guess that

thanks again for this campaign
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Re: A New Order

Post by ricochan »

Congratulations for this marvellous campaign!!! Nice challenges, nice maps, interesting characters.

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)
3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
Some scenarios 9 due to the low turn limit, for instance woods of Okladia.
Sometimes it is difficult to save the allies (Oracle, Huon).
During my first try at Scenario
4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
Scenarios: very clear. Campaign: ??
5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
7. Was it too short/long enough?
Long enough.
8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
The end is a little sad. But that's a matter of taste.
9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
I could not find errors.
10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
This can be done by the user.
11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
In my opinion it fits very well.

13. What were the Lorin's questions to the Oracle?
14. Why Lorin left Gawen in 19a scenario (entering Okladia)
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Re: A New Order

Post by eraser »

Best Wesnoth campaign I've ever played along with Under the Burning Suns. Interesting storyline, interesting new units, interesting interrogation and quest mechanics, wonderful pack of music... I don't understand why it isn't already an official campaign considering its quality.

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)

3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
List of akladian's godly miracles:

1º Resisting before the fake dead of Gawen when he was betrayed. Gawen became such a prodigious highlander.
2º Resisting with Lorin against her castle on her side of the campaign. The forest won that battle.
3º Saving the Oracle, already besieged by five AI's. AI randomized behaviour was never so crucial.
4º And the best one, going through tons of scenarios with only PEASANTS to recruit. Reminds me of Tallin campaign's first scenario.

So with peasants a 10 level of difficulty. With decent units a 6.

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
With just a little effort put on understanding the situation, 10.

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
There was something that was not exactly a bug, but really, really funny. In the scenes of the campaign, the part where Reme was abandoning Lorin, it started playing "Over the Northern Mountains". I LOL completely because it was a very happy music for such a sad moment, it was like "Yayy, Reme kicks Lorin".

6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gameplay more fun?
7. Was it too short/long enough?
Too long technically, short once immersed on it.

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
If you act more kind to Lorin or the redhead which name I don't remember, it can make influence on which one gets pregnant.

9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
None that I recall.

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
Better than the original, don't dare changing it.

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
I assume this story is on the top of the chronological order compared to the others, maybe in the same era of Under the Burning Suns, so yes it fits.

13. What were the Lorin's questions to the Oracle?
14. Why Lorin left Gawen in 19a scenario (entering Okladia)
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Re: A New Order

Post by SlyVenom »

Last edited by SlyVenom on July 11th, 2018, 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A New Order

Post by tr0ll »

are you aware of the development thread http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php ... &start=510
and are you in contact with any artists who were contributing? i had sponsored some art but i dont know if they completed the work/got paid etc.
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