Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign][1.15/1.16]

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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Giant_Hogweed »

Great! Thank you so much! May I download this new version from the same address "addons.wesnoth.org:15004" ?
Best kind regards!
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

Great! Thank you so much! May I download this new version from the same address "addons.wesnoth.org:15004" ?
It's not out yet. I will be releasing it with scenarios 11 and 12 together. The semester started so, my time on HoI1 is very limited nowadays...
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Giant_Hogweed »

Hello! Here I am again to give you my observation about the campaign. I will make a sum of all the things, so many things will be a repetition but I think it will be easier for you to check it and possibly make changements.
1) I have started the easy mode of the campaign after three attempts with different strategies to get scenario 10 (Mountain of the damned), because I understood that it was impossible to win (And I confirm it as I will show you later).
2) I have played this campaign some years ago, maybe it had a different title but the heroes were just the same, now I say it was better the earlier version for many reasons: first of all, the beginning scenario where Jahin escapes from the vampires that was difficult but exciting and allowed to get some more human units, then the love story between Jahin and Faria that was funny and other things that I will tell you later.
3) In the forest where Jahin meets Faria and Maliha while an orc is killed the troll Krog says something like "it is right to kill orcs because of their deeds" but usually in other campaigns trolls and orcs are ally, moreover Kojac, one of the loyal units, is an orc! There is no logic in that (to be honest even the fact of Kojac in the jail of the orc is not so logic, it would be more natural to see for example an elf shaman - an that would be more useful too especially in the "mountain of the damned" scenario where curing and healing units would be precious). Another illogical thing is the invulnerability of the orcs and vampires leaders after the first orc leader has been killed. The objective in that scenario is to reach the wizards city, so to make it more difficult it would be more logical to reduce the maximum turns number, leaving the kill of enemies leaders as a bonus. Even the freeing of lizard in the cage is not so logic, because lizards will be part of the enemies, in fact just on the other side of the wizard's city, lizards are attacking them along with Naga! It would be more logic and useful to put a wizard in the cage to be freed (another possible healing and curing unit). One last observation about this scenario is that the ring that has been put on the down left part of the scenario is hard to be seen, it should be put a little upper on the road to the wizard's city and a "one exagon faster" effect would more useful especially for Mahir that is very slow.
4) I am not sure, but I remeber that there were one or more scenarios in the earlier version before Jahin's reunion with Mahir, that was in accord with the time needed for Mahir to get magic skills. That would allow units to advance too.
5) The LUA errors in the scenario with the wolves is not so innocuous: for two times when two LUA errors appeared simultaneously my computer was completely blocked without even the possibility of taking a screenshot, so I had to turn it off and go back at least two turns changing my moves to avoid it. Moreover the fact that the wolves can kill one of the ogres leader, before It can be even possible to reach it, for me is an error, because one should have the possibility to get both gold gifts. In my opinion it would be better, instead to let wolves appear endlessly from everywhere, to put 4 or 5 wolf camps so it would be possible to kill the wolf leaders and stop their growing; it would let more strategies possible. The passage through the walls that leads to the cage of the troll, should be highlighted someway or substituted with a normal cave terrain.
6) When I played the easy mode, in the cavern scenario where heroes meet for the first time an undead leader that talk to them, there is a space (on the left where before there was the first problem of the rotating platform) without enemies that in the normal mode is occupied by two enemy leaders, I think that this difference is too much, at least one of the two should be kept even with the easy mode.
7) I still do not agree with the invulnerability of the skeleton dragon, that is already hard to fight because only the flying units can reach it, in the scenario where Jahin has to reach the stairs; in addition it is still necessary to write somewhere that to kill the undead leader Maliha must give the last hit.
8) In the scenario where you have to find and kill Kaliban there are a series of runes that bring one to the other; all that just to kill only one enemy leader and get one village, with a high risk of losing units killed by the ghost guardians; I think that this part of the scenario should be improved, for example with a treasure. About the passages through the wall see point 5.
9) Comparing to the kaliban's scenario the "clash of the five armies" is too easy and there is a part of the scenario, down on the right, that I do not understand, maybe it would have hide a treasure?
10) The scenario where you have to kill a number of Naga in the earlier version was boring because the scenario was too long, but on the other hand only 50 enemies is a too low number, it does not give the possibility to let advance the units of water elementals and especially drakes that would be necessary in next scenarios. I think that 150 kill would be a right number, and that the killing of the lizards leadear could be a bonus.
11) The Scenario called "Domination" is strange, I wonder why so many enemies would attack the woodlanders, it makes me think of a great treasure hidden there (just as it was in the earlier version where the woodlanders hided a very powerful globe). You told me in an answer that you failed in saving the woodlander leader.... Well, the only real difficult in doing that is to reach him before the undeads coming from the down part of the scenario. I have to be honest now, since I saw things in this campaign that I did not agree with I started using a special game option created by Dugi (the one who made the greatest campaign I ever played "The Legedn of the invincible") that allows to put units in the scenario, taken from other campaigns, wherever you want; in this scenario I used it with just two units to jump part of the forest between the beginning camp and the woodlander leader, but maybe it would be possibile to save him even without using this option; if it's not, by now, it should be in the next version of the campaign. I have an idea for this scenario: it should be used two times, the first with the objective of killing one of the enemies and then enter the woodlanders place to meet the leader and discuss the accord with the drakes; the second in which jahin takes control and can recruit and use the woodlanders units to defeat all the enemies.
12) Now I will talk about the "Mountain of the damned" scenario, and I begin with the description of the units and other things that has been necessary for me to win: I used in total 80 units (to be true the total number was 91 but some of the units was left behind because too slow in movements and so I let them fight the units recruited by the two invulnerable undead leaders), of which 8 was great powerful wizards (level 3 or 4), 3 were light globes (used along with commanding units) and 7 more was curing/healing units (all in addition to Maliha), there were 2 thunderbird and two Djin (by the way in another campaign the air elementals look like sand vortex, that is a more logic image to me then a sort of genie with a scimitar). It has been necessary 40 turns only just to let Maliha reach the dragon, she was almost free to move bacause the fight was played far beyond by other faster and imported units; in fact for two times I had to import a group of units to block the ghosts before they would make a clog in the narrow part of the caves. If you look at those numbers I think you can understand that it is impossibile to win this scenario without using tricks. But there are many other things that I don't like in this scenario...
13) The betray of Faria: as I told before it was more funny to see all the love story with Jahin (I remember even some "female" talk between Maliha and Faria with Maliha that was attracted by someone else, maybe Mahir), moreover Faria takes with her all the elementals, which the most important are the light globes, that are powerful against the undead (and you have even suggested in a previous scenario to get a lot of them) and with the flying ability, but the most important thing is that they cure, and when you fight against groups of guardians, that comes from everywhere with always the possibility to attack the lateral units with three of them (because they can pass through walls), cure are very necessary! (and Faria cures too!) Yes, one can advance minotaurs shaman to mystic that can cure, but it needs time to let them advance and moreover they are very slow in movement! It was better in the earlier version of the campaign where Faria was only attacked by an enchantment that took off temporarily her summoning power (at least you keep Faria curing ability and powerful attack against undeads). Another thing that is illogical is that when Maliha and Jahin talk about the betray he says that there was a mistery around her, but Maliha was her friend how would her been not aware of Faria's story ecc.?
14) Another illogical thing is that the first two undead leaders are invulnerable, instead all the others behind, including the skeleton dragon master, are not! At least they should be vulnerable as the skeleton dragon!
15) Waiting to all the ally units to move is a bit boring, especially when you see that they move without any logic!
16) What is the meaning of the rivers on the left of the caves?
Well, I think I told almost everything. I whish you all a wonderful summer and please excuse me if you didn't want those notes. Bye Bye! ;-)
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

Okay, it's semester break and I AM BACK.... :D
Let's see if I can finally get the first episode done...
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Cashcam24 »

in the scenario "into the gloom" the cave walls at 21,19 20,19 20,20 and 19,21 are walk-able. also as part of the objective it says death of urk as in we are supposed to kill him,but he is an ally.
Oh and the wolves in that scenario are spawning out of control to the point that many of them are ending up in the cave walls.
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Cashcam24 »

Also in the scenario "kingdom of the dead" ghosts can move through all cave walls. Idk if this on purpose because ghosts should be able to move through anything,but it makes playing kind of annoying when higher level ghosts just appear behind your lines.
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

in the scenario "into the gloom" the cave walls at 21,19 20,19 20,20 and 19,21 are walk-able
It's a feature...
death of urk as in we are supposed to kill him,but he is an ally
Is it in red or green? Red means..you're supposed to prevent that.
wolves in that scenario are spawning out of control to the point that many of them are ending up in the cave walls
They are for milking XP...
Also in the scenario "kingdom of the dead" ghosts can move through all cave walls. Idk if this on purpose because ghosts should be able to move through anything,but it makes playing kind of annoying when higher level ghosts just appear behind your lines.
If you bothered to read their unit descriptions (which players are supposed to do when they encounter a new enemy type), you can see that they are unique variants of their mainline counterparts. They have the unique ability to pass through "impassable" terrain.

So, my finals are up and I got two more scenarios left to code. Maybe episode I might be released on Christmas for a festival release.
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by IIIO_METAL »

Hello, I like your add-on. And since I am Japanese, I thought about making a Japanese translation. Now I am working with the latest version of Github.
Will you incorporate it into the add-on once the translation file is completed?
So I found a misspelling while working. That's line 173 of story-text.cfg. "he was <i><expecting/i> me." Is "he was <i>expecting</i> me."
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by IIIO_METAL »

I found a misspelling.
The first line of "04x_Tugrontid.cfg" & "06_Remnant_of_the_Past.cfg", "# textdomain" incorrectly becomes "# texdomain" "# texdtdomain".
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by derluna »

I am still waiting for you.
Are you finishing this campaign?
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

It's been almost 5 years...but I have done it at last!
Episode 1 is finally on the Wesnoth 1.15.x add-on server.

Code: Select all

version 0.0.5\
---> Release for Wesnoth 1.15.x branch
---> Scenario 02: fixed some events triggering when they should not have.
---> Edited Stats for the Goblin Cutthroat
---> Added scenarios 12, 13, 14 and 15
---> Edited the divine enchantment buff
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Lord-Knightmare »


Code: Select all

version 0.5.1\
---> Scenario 13: Added new unit type for Durik
---> Scenario 14: Added death events for the allied leaders
---> Scenario 14x: Added Mahir back into the unit list
---> Scenario 15: Recalled loyals and heroes for free
---> Scenario 15: Fixed a semantic error with side 11, added flavour events
---> typo fixes, polishing of story text, etc
---> Scenario 15: added micro AI content for this battle
---> Added story text for cutscene 15x
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

v0.5.2 has been released tonight.
  • Code: Select all

    version 0.5.2:
    ---> Scenario 06 and 14: Adjusted maps
    ---> All loyal units are now recalled in every battle scenario.
    ---> Scenarios 05 and 06: Made it slightly easier by allowing level 2 recruits
    ---> Scenario 01: adjusted outdated narrator messages
    ---> Added starting XP for the main hero characters
    ---> Scenario 02: Sides 3 and 6 leaders are now killable
    ---> Fixed Scenario 03 Lua error message bug
        --> If you are curious, this was caused by the MAI wolves_multipack
            and it triggered due to one wolf spawning behind the first ogre camp
            being unable to join any pack clusters
    ---> Units:
        --> Fixed Ethereal Shadow ID
        --> Troll Shamans can now advance to Troll Warbanners
  • You are all requested to update to v0.5.2 and also update War of Legends to v1.2.4
Outstanding Issues
  • Custom Team Colors are not recognised in the current Wesnoth dev version (1.15.4) so some scenario mini-maps might appear with an excess of reds.
  • There might be a Lua Error message in Scenario 07. Not sure if it's the AI of the new game version or something in the scenario.
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by derluna »

where to download it ? I dont see it on my add-on list.
my wesnoth version is 1.14.3, please figure out the available version. thank you very much
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Re: Hero of Irdya I: The Legend Begins [SP campaign]

Post by Konrad2 »

derluna wrote: August 29th, 2020, 7:09 pm where to download it ? I dont see it on my add-on list.
my wesnoth version is 1.14.3, please figure out the available version. thank you very much
Episode 1 is finally on the Wesnoth 1.15.x add-on server.
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