Amorphous's Pixel Art

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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Animation is pretty exhausting stuff. :| I really have no idea how the mainline artists can get through all the work required to finish single animations, let alone dozens of them. Shading on the attack animation is coming along bit by bit, and I've been looking at reference for the idle, but I don't have anything worth posting yet. Until I finish the animations up, though, here're some base frames and long overdue edits.

The bottom two are attempts at really getting a hold of my palette usage and pixeling technique in general. Some inspiration for the peasant was stolen from the revised Elvish Shaman in art dev, and, yes, I am aware of how the fighter's outfit is 100% practical. :roll:

Also, working off of artisticdude's edit, a revised Minotaur, along with a fix for the sorcerer's waist based off doofus-01's critique.

And, finally, an update on the HC. It probably would have been smarter to wait until I was finish to post it, but I was getting frustrated fretting over problems that might not exist. Still haven't finished the sword, and the wings are still messy, but what I'm really worried about is the palette and the shading; maybe it's just from staring at it for too long, but the shading on the armor doesn't look very metal-y to my eyes.

Critique is very, very appreciated. :)
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by doofus-01 »

Amorphous wrote:nd, finally, an update on the HC. It probably would have been smarter to wait until I was finish to post it, but I was getting frustrated fretting over problems that might not exist. Still haven't finished the sword, and the wings are still messy, but what I'm really worried about is the palette and the shading; maybe it's just from staring at it for too long, but the shading on the armor doesn't look very metal-y to my eyes.
Metal looks like plastic if you have too many mid-tones or just make it all bright. Use more dark pixels, and probably fewer total colors. I did a quick revision. Some parts are not much of an improvement, but hopefully you see what I mean. The helmet is probably the best illustration of it.
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Holy wow, thank you! It burns my eyes to look at the original now that I've seen your edit. :) I gave it some general cleanup, and also tried to apply some subtle reflections to parts of the armor. I'm not sure about the reflections, though, I get the feeling that they might be a little unnecessary if they're even noticeable.

And, because I was still feeling the holiday spirit:
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Even the undead have to celebrate now and then. :P This was a quick one, and the robe things floating around at the bottom look pretty bad, to my eyes. I think there might also be some perspective issues on the candy cane.

Anyhow, hope you all had a good time celebrating whatever you prefer to celebrate around this time of year. :)
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Oh, jeez, it's been a long time since I posted in this thread.

Here's an update on the HC. Changed a lot of stuff since last time, obviously, but there's still a long ways to go in terms of polishing - the legs are really the only spots that I consider remotely done. Some aspects of the wings' anatomy are bugging me, and I think there might be a few perspective issues here and there.

Not looking for any other specific critique though - thoughts, anyone? :)
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by doofus-01 »

You're making admirable progress, Amorphous!

You're right, there are some things about the wings that seem off (the dark region on the edge of the far wing, for example) but in general, that sprite has become pretty good. I'd be wary of using such large images though; animation is increasingly difficult as the images get larger, and you'd probably want some minimal animations for an important unit. Also, there can be layering issues, causing glitches with terrain graphics, if the image is very large.

If you stick with the current wings, I'd make the sword arm longer and lower, and change the angle of the sword. Just my thoughts, not the gospel truth.
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Zerovirus »


You've definitely improved, but you're right- the perspective is somewhat off. You've got three choices here- reposition either of the wings, or basically redraw the central figure to have a more side-on angle and less of a frontal angle.
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Hey, thanks a lot both of you! Sorry for the late reply. Progress is slow -- still not finished somehow; the usual.
doofus-01 wrote: I'd be wary of using such large images though; animation is increasingly difficult as the images get larger, and you'd probably want some minimal animations for an important unit. Also, there can be layering issues, causing glitches with terrain graphics, if the image is very large.
Yeah, I see what you mean. Animating him would be a pain, and glitching with the terrain graphics is another can of worms entirely. I guess I'm lucky I don't really have any specific use in mind for him. :whistle:
Zerovirus wrote:You've got three choices here- reposition either of the wings, or basically redraw the central figure to have a more side-on angle and less of a frontal angle.
Thanks a lot for the paint over, made things a lot clearer! I figured the topmost was closest to my original intent, so that's what I went with.

So yeah, still not 100% there by any means; but I've once again reached the point where I'm worrying about every possible pixel, so feedback would be nice. :)
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Progress. Sort of. Critique appreciated!
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by doofus-01 »

Amorphous wrote:Critique appreciated!
My take is this: It looks like a frankenstein sprite (a caped knight pasted onto a pair of wings) because the cape is hanging like a tent, as if it were dragging on the ground. It would either be flowing around somehow or hanging straight down. A cape on a winged unit also seems like an odd choice, but maybe that's just opinion.
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

I know the fact that I haven't finished him yet stopped being funny a long time ago, but have another update of the Holy Champion anyway. I took doofus's good advice and ditched the cape and also did a bunch of other things.

Also, I went back and worked on the Chaos Caster line a bit.
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Nine months? Waaaat.

Back with the HC again. I really hadn't worked on him at all until two-ish months ago, at which point I had a frenzy of inspiration that promptly died away. That said, I can still look at him without being nauseous, for now, so I'm reaaally hoping to finish him for real. Things left to do:
-Touch-ups on shield.
-His left wing.
-Some outline issues on the torso and arms.

Thoughts/edits/anything else would be much appreciated, but understood if your patience with this mess is all gone and you can't be bothered to comment. :)
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by doofus-01 »

Looks good, it's improved. Not sure if it's really necessary, but if it were me, I'd want to see what a heavier outline on bottom-left edges (a la shadows) would do. Maybe a heavier outline on the front-edge of the shield as well.
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Finished this guy not too long ago. Just want to reiterate thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on him! It's probably one of the dumbest, most convoluted and long sprite projects ever for such a small size, but I learned a ton, so it was worth it (I think).


Might post other things at some point (but emphasis on might). Thanks for looking!
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Andrettin »

Amorphous wrote:Finished this guy not too long ago. Just want to reiterate thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on him! It's probably one of the dumbest, most convoluted and long sprite projects ever for such a small size, but I learned a ton, so it was worth it (I think).


Might post other things at some point (but emphasis on might). Thanks for looking!
Looks amazing :)
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Re: Amorphous's Pixel Art

Post by Amorphous »

Damn, it's been six years. Just dropping a couple sprites here. Might have more Wesnoth stuff to post in the near future.
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