Invasion from the Unknown (2.0+ version)

Review and rate user-made single and multiplayer campaigns and scenarios.

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Invasion from the Unknown (2.0+ version)

Post by Iris »

If you want to provide feedback on Invasion from the Unknown, you have two options: either post in the development topic (where you might find spoilers), or post here (where you might also find spoilers). You may either copy and answer the questionnaire provided in the template below, come up with your own feedback structure, or hand me your thoughts in a more free-form fashion.

If you need to report bugs or ask more general questions, please use the development topic.

By posting your feedback, you acknowledge that I am in no way required to implement every suggested change. In particular, anything that would alter the story is off-limits.

You don’t know what this is about? You don’t know what the latest version of the campaign is or whether your version of Wesnoth is still supported? You don’t know what difficulty/version of the game/campaign you are playing on?
  • The game version can be found in the lower left corner of the title screen.
  • The campaign version can be found in the campaign’s description in the Campaigns menu.
  • The difficulty level is displayed among other information when selecting a saved game in the Load Game dialog.
The nomenclature for scenarios of this campaign (which I use in my own posts) is Sx (scenario x) and Ex. This may be used as a convenient shorthand in lieu of the complete scenario name. Most scenarios throughout the campaign include this shorthand along with the standard scenario name during story screen sections.

Without further ado, the feedback questionnaire template:
If reviewing a specific scenario, please specify which.

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)

(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)

(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)

(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?

(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
And here is an optional little survey that’s not about your experience with this campaign in particular:
(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)

(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?

(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?

(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?

(E) What other kinds of games (specify genre) have you played?
Author of the unofficial UtBS sequels Invasion from the Unknown and After the Storm.
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Re: Invasion from the Unknown (2.0+ version)

Post by Konrad2 »

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?

Right now the hardest difficulty, 1.14.1 and that extremely long campaign version name.

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)


(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?

Juggling around with my unit to absorb all that damage while preferably not losing any units.

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)


(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)

Very much. I'm certain that I've played this campaign at least 5 times by now.

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?

I'm posting those on github.

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?

At least 5 times, and I'm only certain of 1.12., everything else is too long ago.

(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?

See github for that.

(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)

Probably Add-ons server listing.

(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?

All mainline campaigns (I didn't finish SotA properly though).

The following list is certainly very incomplete and very long:
(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?

At least 8 Years.

(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?

Very important. If I like neither, then I won't play it.

(E) What other kinds of games (specify genre) have you played?

League of Legends (MOBA)
A lot of Logic and Puzzle games
Medieval Cop Series
Tales of Nebezem
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Re: Invasion from the Unknown (2.0+ version)

Post by MyrddinEmrys »

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?
Wesnoth 1.14.5, Campaign Version 2.1.1, Easy difficulty

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)
5, towards the end of E2 more like 7

(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)
8 – Clear enough. I was never in a situation where I had no I idea what I was supposed to do, and I like a little flavor in the objectives ("Vanquish the Chaos Warlord" just sounds way more epic than "Defeat the enemy leader" :mrgreen: )

(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?
I later realized I should probably have taken another healer with me when going into enemy territory. This resulted in a lot of units being constantly at low health during later scenarios, and Lédinor dying all the time…

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)

(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)
In general, awesome. Not only does it use interesting and unusual mechanics such as boss fights and dungeons, but it also has very interesting characters that appear to me deeper than most mainline characters.

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?
In S14 (Bye and Behold), there is a word missing in the last story part (I guess it should read "as Anlindë was no longer there")
In the beginning of the epilogue, two music tracks played at the same time for a moment, not sure if that's intended
In the final battle against Argan, on my 3rd or so attempt, when Argan transformed into his monstrous form, he suddenly said something along the lines of "Yes, give me more energy!" and lost over 300 hp, making defeating him very easy. I found that highly unusual, also because the amount of damage displayed was not in red as it is usual for damage. I might be worth noting that his transformation was not triggered by Elynia, as he fell to 0hp while attacking one of my other units (the damage absorption apparently works only on defense?).
EDIT: I just remembered, I also didn't get a laurel for the second part (I chose the Continue Playing option at the end of E1). On the other hand, I already half expected that - technically, I did play just one campaign, after all - so no big deal (to me, at least).

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?
I started the campaign once before, but I did not play further than S20 (The Heart). I don't know the versions any more, though.

(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
Have you considered setting hide_help=yes for the Master of Darkness (and maybe the Chaos Warlord)? While with the latter, the player is at least left the decision whether or not to spoiler themselves, with the former, the name itself already carries a lot of meaning. As Shaxtal are not really explained in the first few scenarios they appear in (such as "The Library"), one might decide to read up on them, and see that there is a unit called "Master of Darkness", which is a Shaxtal.

(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)
I first discovered After the Storm on the Add-on server and started playing, realizing quite quickly that it had to be a sequel to something else. I browsed the Add-on server and found IftU.

(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?
A Tale of Two Brothers, An Orcish Incursion, The South Guard, Heir to the Throne, Descent into Darkness, Liberty, Secrets of the Ancients, The Rise of Wesnoth, Under the Burning Suns, Genesis E1, some others which I didn't finish, some UMC campaigns I forgot the names of

(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?
For me, a good story in a Wesnoth campaign is at least as important as interesting gameplay, if not more. While bad scenario design can be dealt with, using debug in extreme cases, an unconvincing story or characters make the campaign unrewarding and will in my case most likely result in quitting.
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Re: Invasion from the Unknown (2.0+ version)

Post by R831 »

Campaign really annoying sometimes:

1) Not giving a hint when you need to save gold for next scenario, because othervise you won't be able to preserve your vets.
Will i replay this [censored]? Of course not! gold n*20.
Solution: write a damn hint to save gold on previous scenario.
2) Giving you a really annoying slow merfolk zombie, that you are trying to preserve, because want to see what will be if you are. On one of map it draw away crucial units from heplping on front so i just psyched and unit hitpoints = 10000000000 to everyone and shft+k to everyone on screen (gateway to inferno map). Really annoying and too boring to waste time to replay fairly. And all this just to see him script killed in several turns. Meh
Solution: write a damn hint to not save zombies, because they are nothing for a plot. You won't save them or something, won't return their minds.
3) Final boss in armageddon... the tinshell meat dude, pretending he is something different... whatever. I've effectively killed leaders wit my four nightgaunts and quickly get to strike him with GG's... only to see him be unstrikable.
Oh, i see it now. He have to lay all the [censored] out of his mouth before he will be killable? Or what? Whatever, i will not play this boring [censored] fairly either! unit hitpoints = 10000000000 to everyone.
Solution: write alternative dialogue script maybe? Feeling punishing for effectiveness is not really good. Or no battle for last scenario maybe? just dialogues and automated actions would do fine. At least before moment when i can actually kill him.

Overall i would rate your campaign as 2 out of 5.
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