An exhaustive review of Northern Rebirth

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An exhaustive review of Northern Rebirth

Post by Markowoko »

Hello, after coming back to BfW for its 1.18 release, I've had the pleasure of replaying through some of the mainline campaigns both untouched and revamped, with a particular newfound love for UtbS' Nightmare mode developped by Hejnewar and its absolutely brutal difficulty. But as the topic's title suggests, I'm here to talk about another campaign which used to be my favourite, Northern Rebirth.
My experience as a player and a storyteller, though not excellent by any means, has progressed a lot over the decade I've spent playing Wesnoth, and where I used to see unmatched greatness, I now can't help but notice fundamental flaws that detract from the NR experience.

This review will tackle every NR scenario from both gameplay and story perspectives with as much detail as I can offer on aspects like the maps, unit and gold balance, character interactions and the overarching plot. Gameplay related issues will be looked upon from two specific points of view, NR is classified as an expert level campaign and is also Wesnoth's power trip on large scale battles. As such, this review will praise or criticize the scenarios based on their ability to meet these 2 criteria.

And yes, I'm aware of the existence of specific channels to make campaign feedback and if required, I will abide by its structure but this way grants me more freedom to make my points and will allow me to talk more broadly about the campaign once the 13-14 scenarios have been scrutinized. Consider it parts 1 and 2 of the review, with part 1 talking exclusively about the current state of NR and part 2 going further into what it could be.

NR S1 - Breaking the Chains
NR S2 - Infested Caves
NR S3 - To the Mines
NR S4 - Clearing the Mines
NR S5 - The Pursuit
NR S6 - Old Friend
NR 7 - Settling Disputes
NR S8 - Elvish Princess
NR S9 - Introductions
NR S10 - Stolen Gold
NR S11- Eastern Flank
NR S12 - Get the Gold
NR S13 - Showdown
I am aware that reworks are hard to do, and NR specifically has several defenders to push back against, but at the very least I believe the campaign could use rebalancing. It's not deserving of the "expert" difficuly tag and after thinking about it, it shouldn't be. Large scale battles make balancing far too difficult to handle to create the kind of challenge something like 1.18 UtbS can deliver.
I would label NR as "hard" instead and focus on diminishing the braindead unit mashing aspect a good portion of the scenarios display. If anything is to be done about NR, start by looking at the gameplay changes of each scenario (obviously I'm not saying you'd have to follow them, but I believe they're good starting points to think about)

My proposal for a NR rework

This will be broad strokes only as the finer details would need to be refined to create an experience worthy of mainline, but the primary goal of this rework will be to make NR a more cohesive story while also putting more emphasis on the idea of continuously expanding a massive and diverse army, in a sense I'm aiming to make it feel more like HttT.

In terms of story, the core issues we have to address are as follow :
- Make Malifor's takedown more believable
- Flesh out Krash, Elenia and Eryssa as characters
- Revisit Stalrag's conflict with the Ro' brothers
- Create a more tangible narrative for Rakshas' takedown and the instauration of the Northern Alliance

NR S1& 2
NR S3 - To the Surface
NR S4 - The Mines
NR S5 - Into the Lair
NR S6 - The North's Conqueror
NR S7 - Settling Disputes
NR S8 - Amidst Green Leaves
NR S9 - Introductions
NR S10 - Treachery
NR S11 - The Knalgan Gold
NR S12 - The North's Last Stand
NR - Epilogue
Obviously, this is only the first draft of such a gargantuous task, but in my heart this is a better version of Northern Rebirth's storyline. Maybe I will end up developping my own UMC version of the campaign but I definitely can't accomplish that alone with my current skills and time.
Note that this draft is mostly narratively driven, I have given very few indications for how the campaign would play out but basically, most scenarios would be battles of relatively large scale (with the notable exceptions of NR S1-7-9), with anywhere between 50 and 80 (100) units to defeat, the upper limit only being reached by S6 and S12, and in exchange the average lvl of the units would be raised to still provide a meaningful challenge.
The actual balance of the campaign remains to be discussed however, I'm far from the only valuable opinion on how campaigns should play out.

With that being said, this exhaustive review of Northern Rebirth is finally coming to a close, thanks for reading through all that rambling, I hope you found it insightfull. Who knows, maybe someday it will amount to something.
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Re: An exhaustive review of Northern Rebirth

Post by holypaladin »

Story : Quite the convenience that Eryssa's prison would be located near a mine exit but sure, we can let that slide. Besides that, I don't have much to say on this scenario specifically besides Stalrag's comment that his clan is perfect to take down the defenses. Narratively speaking that might be true for an ulf clan, but the reality is comically against him.
What I would add is that the behavior of the elves is shocking that they are so eager to free Eryssa but totally show no interest in the fact that Elenia was also kidnapped and was in much harsher conditions
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