The High Seas (Naval MP Scenario)

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Grand Marshal Aditya
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Post by Grand Marshal Aditya »

I just copy pasted the entire folder that I downloaded, just like I did with all the eras that I downloaded.

Am I supposed to place the files elsewhere? :?:
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Post by gnurob »

Hi Bob, amazing job on this map. Everyone should really give this a try.

IMHO, here a few suggestions/comments/etc. for you to consider:
  1. Expand on the help instructions in the first forum post and offer as separate printable page
  2. The sea creatures are devastating: I've been sunk 2:3 games and I'm not a newbie
  3. Victory points encourage separation of players: maybe one victory point should be reserved for death of all opponents.
  4. Victory points should be shared among teams.
  5. It should be possible to purchase a new boat. lol
  6. The ship only has 1 MV after leader returns to pilot: I lost a ship to this when 3 flame-shooting pirates took me out in a single round (see #2
  7. Its not clear that purchasing a nitro bomb is assigned to leader and not boat.
  8. Victory points for killing sea monsters should be equal to monster level
Its great so far. Cheers on the good work!

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Post by Bob_The_Mighty »

I have uploaded a new version of this scenario. I made quite a few changes, most of which I've forgotten. The main ones are:
- There are less pirates and man-of-wars.
- The number pirate ships and man-of wars are also dependant on how many players there are.
- I've toned down their stats slightly too.
- There are now guards inside the banks, distilleries, plantations and mines (this was always a feature, but was bugged).
- I've modified the victory points rewards slightly.
- You can now raid the gaol to rescue prisoners.
- Piloting now works (your leader can give your flagship skirmisher).
- Added lovely little icons for the right-click options.
Let me know if it plays better.

If anyone can help: the slave net doesn't work, and the nitro bombs sometimes vanish (not entirely sure).

Thanks for the suggestions, gnurob.
  1. Expand on the help instructions in the first forum post and offer as separate printable page
    How would I do this?
  2. The sea creatures are devastating: I've been sunk 2:3 games and I'm not a newbie
    That should be easier now with skirmisher and less ai ships about
  3. Victory points encourage separation of players: maybe one victory point should be reserved for death of all opponents.
    Not quite sure what you mean
  4. Victory points should be shared among teams.
    I wanted to leave the teams open, so that it could be played 1v1, 2v2, 2v2v2, 3v3 or FFA. I'm not sure how I'd go about recognising teams, but it is a good idea.
  5. It should be possible to purchase a new boat. lol
    Do you mean when your flagship sinks? Or allow the option of building a mini navy? I might do the former, but probably not the latter. Even if i did, extra boats wouldn't be able to function as flagships, i.e. you wouldn't see the deck or get upgrades, etc.
  6. The ship only has 1 MV after leader returns to pilot: I lost a ship to this when 3 flame-shooting pirates took me out in a single round
    Are you using your crew to man-the-rigging?
  7. Its not clear that purchasing a nitro bomb is assigned to leader and not boat.
    Thanks, I changed that.
  8. Victory points for killing sea monsters should be equal to monster level
    Good idea. I might make that the case for killing any units, since it stops people solely chasing the easy kills.
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Post by Sapient »

Bob_The_Mighty wrote: I wanted to leave the teams open, so that it could be played 1v1, 2v2, 2v2v2, 3v3 or FFA. I'm not sure how I'd go about recognising teams, but it is a good idea.
count points based on $unit.team_name
or [store_side] for $side_number, then access $side.team_name "Looks like your skills saved us again. Uh, well at least, they saved Soarin's apple pie."
Grand Marshal Aditya
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Post by Grand Marshal Aditya » anyone have an answer to how I may copy the file I downloaded from

It doesn't seem to work the same way that Ext Era and others download...
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Post by Bob_The_Mighty »

Grand Marshal Aditya wrote:I just copy pasted the entire folder that I downloaded, just like I did with all the eras that I downloaded.

Am I supposed to place the files elsewhere? :?:
I don't really know what the problem is. It should download normally, it does for other people.

When you copied the folder, did you also copy The_High_Seas.cfg ? It is a small file that exists outside of the high seas folder. Both this file and the folder needs to go in wesnoth/userdata/data/campaigns.
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Grand Marshal Aditya
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Post by Grand Marshal Aditya »

yep...does it work on 1.3.9?

I did the same thing I did for all the eras and whatnot. :?
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Post by Bob_The_Mighty »

It only works on 1.3.9

If you're trying to load it with 1.2 then that is the problem; it won't work.

Otherwise, I'm stumped.
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Post by Relic »

Here's some oddness.

Tried raiding Gaol, got through to the cages, but the 2 freed prisoner units tried to attack the prisoner in the last cage. A necromancer.

Feature or bug?
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Post by St.John »

THis is incredible
again, as everyone else said, id LOVE to see a one player version

id agree with a mini navy, but only the flagship being able to upgrade and such
itd be especially helpful starting out, so you could put some meat fodder between you and the sea monsters and pirates :roll:

cant say it enough
this is brilliant :D
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Post by TL »

Fun game. Just played it proper for the first time and had a blast (even ended up winning somehow, although just about everything I was planning on went awry). The slowness of play mostly seems to be an issue with the number (and oftentimes inexperience) of players.

I'm not sure if this counts as good or bad, but I found ship-to-ship combat to be rather surreal. After having a player tail me at an annoyingly close distance, he accidentally :wink: picked off one of my landside crew with a cannon broadside. I had my lieutenant disembark, giving leadership bonus to my ship on the counterattack, which seemed a bit odd... then I disembarked all my ruffians and proceeded to club the ship to death, which was, uh, more odd. It seems a bit odd that the ships are level 1, which lets them benefit from leadership and also makes their XP payout surprisingly small (I just sunk a warship by beating on it with a stick, what do you mean I only get 8 XP?!) It may be a good idea to alter the ships' level after initializing them. Level 2 would be nice--enough that at least starting leaders don't boost it with leadership, and giving a bit more XP without giving up lots of freebie XP.

Taking full damage from impact also makes the ships remarkably vulnerable to thugs, ruffians, and footpads (especially with leadership thrown on top). Maybe the cannons should be a fire attack instead, so the ships can have proper impact resistance? It stretches things a bit to call it "fire", but not as badly as ships being sunk by guys with clubs.

Moreover, I don't really think you should be able to have the same crew members man the cannon for a cannon attack and still get to go at ease and move again. When the ship uses its cannon attack it should probably zero the moves (and possibly attacks) left of all crew members manning the cannons.

OK, played some more. Had some interesting times tonight after the game you played. Spacing the players as 1-3-5 for a 3p game means that no initial man-o-wars are generated, so I took a shock trooper leader and led a successful direct assault on the gaol (thanks in part to some initial luck, although I know I could have done better tactically). It was a very protracted affair, though, so after the fresh man-o-wars spawned on turn 10 I had an interesting little game of hide-and-go-seek with them while I finished up in the gaol. By the time I finally got underway on turn 16 I was well behind and points and gold (especially gold), but with a ridiculously powerful army aboard.

None of which mattered of course, since the man-o-wars promptly chased me into a better armed player's flagship with little room to maneuver into defensive position, leading to a 1-turn sinking as tends to be the norm. :? Still, it was interesting. I'm not really certain I see a compelling reason for the initial man-o-wars, given that an initial gaol raid already has quite enough deterrence factor without them (at least without rogue/duelist cheese) and that they have a tendency to run down and mercilessly beat down one of the players (seemingly favoring the left side) at the start even if everybody sails away at full speed. I don't really see much point to the gaol at all except as a possible early gambit, which the presence of the initial man-o-wars ruins. By the time you've run your initial raid to build up money and crew, chances are you won't have any options left except 1) quickly grab a big point target to get enough VP to win, or 2) hunt down the lead player and try to kill them before they can grab a big point target and get enough VP to win.
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Post by TL »

Having failed to get a good game going this afternoon, I took to experimenting in singleplayer. I had never tried a full run from the mines in the north to the ports in the south, so I went for it this time. I would like to humbly submit that the rate of price increase for long-distance goods may just be a tiny smidgen too high (see enclosed picture to get an idea of the purchasing power of a turn 17 mine raid, sold off in the tropics). The fact that raid profits increase exponentially as turns pass (since you get more trade goods for later turns, which you can then sell off at ever higher prices) has the very desireable effect of accelerating the gameplay, and it's a design element I approve of since it helps bring otherwise exceedingly lengthy games to a close.

But still. If I had begun funnelling all the crew hired here into the distillery at Negal, eventually they would have spilled over across the void into the other distillery zone, effectively teleporting them to Quati. Yes, that's right. I recruited so many thugs and ruffians their combined mass ripped open a wormhole in the fabric of space.

So I would recommend toning down the price increases--bumping the +4/turn increases down to +3 at a minimum, or even outright halving all the price increases per turn. I realize this would negatively impact the usefulness of simple trading (yarr! as if REAL pirates would ever bother), so it would probably be a good idea to lower the cost of trade goods as well--since mere merchant activity accrues very few victory points it needs to be able to turn a substantial profit in order to be a viable strategy, but these 1000+ gold hauls that become possible by turn 15 or so are just ludicrous.
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Post by Karo »

One minor cosmetic change: "Nautical Maps" should be "Nautical Charts". Maps are landlubber thingers, charts are proper and seamanlike.
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Post by suvorov »

Yes awesome, buggy, and piratey!!!! I love it.
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Post by TruePurple »

Apparently when ever flying creatures attack a ship it gets really buggy. I witnessed another game where they discussed having that problem and explained how to comment out the flying creatures. Unfortunately I don't recall/have those instructions.

In a game myself with two others a flier attacked my ship and the other two players got knocked out of the game.

So apparently its unplayable without those fliers disabled.
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