Wose Faction

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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

Ok i finally found the time to have a look at the Era thing cybermouse put together and although most of the unit trees were fecked it was alright...i guess. I'm not sure how it helps with the development of the faction while it's at it's early stages but i guess we can work from it or something. :? Um just one comment on the seedling, as it was the only thing I was really interested in, if it's possible, I think that it needs to have one turn taken up by it's "take root" action. I like the way it does "take root" and i'm glad that it works but it definitely needs that extra turn too avoid total raep on the other team. You can just buy them for a cheap price make them move hella fast around the map and then all on the same turn, they can take root, instantly transform into a stronger wose followed by attacking the enemy.

In my opinion, it should work out that on one turn you can move it to wherever it needs to be, take root there. Then on the second turn it is immobilised while it "grows" in the one spot. The turn after, it is fully matured and can then move around and attack on the third turn. :D If you could work on that, that'd be awesome but there's no push. :)
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Cybermouse »

The way it helps is that it gives us something to actually try out in battle, to see what works and what doesn't. Reading about a Wose faction is nice, but it is a lot different than actually playing with one. In an earlier post, I mentioned the changes to the unit tree. I knew it was probably not what you had in mind, but since you haven't posted a unit tree since the first page or so of this thread, I had to come up with something. This is just the way that the unit tree works best in my mind. I tried to make it very clear that whatever you decide, I'll be glad to incorporate/change. Like you said, it's still in the early stages so there's no way everything is going to be correct at this point. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll be glad to fix it. If you were to post an official unit tree, I could modify the faction accordingly. But as it was, I had nothing, so I just came up with the unit tree that I liked best.

About the Seedling, I'll get to work on that.
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

Thanks heaps. =D
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Cybermouse »

FYI, I included a Unit Tree.txt file that graphically shows the unit tree that I thought works best. I thought this would help explain what was going on. You may need a monospaced font to view the tree properly. I did it in Notepad using the font Lucida Console.

The primary reasoning behind it is that I thought it would be cool if the basic Wose has four choices when it levels, one for each season. So there's a Spring Wose (the small strangler, as a L2 unit), Summer Wose (aka the Elder Wose), then the Autumn and Winter Woses which you made. Then at L3, the Spring Wose (small strangler) levels into the big Strangler, the Summer/Elder becomes an Ancient, the Autumn becomes Firefall, and the Winter becomes the Shaman.

As far as the sickly wose/fungose line, I just used those shroom sprites that were available. They got posted on here at some point and I wanted a fairly big faction to play around with. Mostly, I was just getting tired of looking at sprites and not being able to actually use this faction.
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

It's time for us all to take a trip down memory lane and take a quick look back at our wose faction that we got almost no where with. :P
I apologize for running off from time to time. I'm not the kinda of person that does the same thing for a long time. :D
I just got the iPhone app of Wesnoth and I realized again how awesome this game was and thought i might do some more work on the sad group of woses that call themselves a faction. :P

I've looked back over the strangler line and touched up on the sprites a bit, giving them animations and what not. The L1 strangler I've finished now and I've decided to call him a tangle wose cause i thought it sounds a little less menacing than strangler. Which obviously means that the L2 will be called a strangler wose following in it's inspiration's foot steps. :P
tangle-wose.png (1.62 KiB) Viewed 7826 times
tangle-wose-attack-1.png (1.65 KiB) Viewed 7826 times
tangle-wose-attack-2.png (1.75 KiB) Viewed 7826 times
tangle-wose-attack-3.png (1.7 KiB) Viewed 7826 times
I was thinking his attack would be a stab attacking around 8-3ish and it would be a piercing attack.
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

strangler-wose.png (2.56 KiB) Viewed 7824 times
strangler-wose-attack-1.png (2.71 KiB) Viewed 7824 times
strangler-wose-attack-2.png (2.55 KiB) Viewed 7824 times
The Strangler i was thinking would have two attacks both using the same animation. The first one would be "tangle" that would attack 12-3 piercing and slowing the enemy with the other being "slash" a blade attack doing about 18-2. :P Hopefully for mine and everyone else's sake i don't get bored of this in a week and get caught up in year 12 work. :P
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by pauxlo »

This wose looks like he is attacking to the east ... in Wesnoth, there is no such direction. Either attack north, south, southeast or northeast (the *west sides are then created by flipping).
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

Yeh...eh. I'm not so good with animations. Just sorta thought i might give it a try. :P Probably been playing with the old version of wesnoth for too long aswell. As far as i can tell, they all have only one attack animation. :\
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by pauxlo »

Phyreprooph wrote:Yeh...eh. I'm not so good with animations. Just sorta thought i might give it a try. :P Probably been playing with the old version of wesnoth for too long aswell. As far as i can tell, they all have only one attack animation. :\
Yeah, most slashing units (like the orc grunt) have (had) only one animation which works for both south and southeast. The "north facings and animations project" has only begun recently (compared to the total wesnoth development history).

Your frame actually may be a usable first frame for a south-east slashing attack, but I would propose to first do some blocking of the whole animation before detailing individual frames. (Look at some threads in the art contribution and art development forums for examples of blocking.)
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

Mmm yes i will keep that in mind. That probably means i'm gonna have to go over the cactose line and give them...all-direction attacks too. The strangler's attacks were pretty lame anyway. :P
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

Okay so as far as directioned attacks go, I've started with the cactose and due to the fact that the cactose only really has one attack frame i have done the same for all the directions. North i haven't done yet, as it is quite tricky. I'm not sure if i'm supposed to make his animation a turn all the way round or if i'm supposed to just make a base sprite facing upwards. :\
cactose-attack-ne.png (2.1 KiB) Viewed 7762 times
cactose-attack-se.png (2.13 KiB) Viewed 7762 times
cactose-attack-s.png (1.67 KiB) Viewed 7762 times
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

And a south mainline wose attack... :P I had to try it. :D
wose-attack-1-s.png (2.68 KiB) Viewed 7755 times
wose-attack-2-s.png (2.66 KiB) Viewed 7755 times
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Luroch_Delkar »

For some reason the shrub makes me think hedgewitch. Anyone share the idea that the shrub could be the low-level shaman?
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Phyreprooph »

Surprisingly enough that's actually an amazing idea. :D I can definitely see that happening. :P Maybe with a bit of tweaking though. The level two i was thinking of having it like a "walking shrub" that looked a lot like my original sketch for the kelp. A big bushy walking guy. :\ Maybe he should look more like the shaman in his L2?
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Re: Wose Faction

Post by Luroch_Delkar »

I'll see if I can whip up some code for the shrub.
Wow, I did not balance that unit well. Oh well, numbers can easily be changed.

Here is the improved death animation.
couldn't add base image to attachments, oh well you know what it looks like by now
couldn't add base image to attachments, oh well you know what it looks like by now
wose-shrub-die1.png (3.17 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
wose-shrub-die2.png (4.43 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
wose-shrub-die3.png (3.3 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
wose-shrub-die4.png (4.21 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
wose-shrub-die-final.png (4.17 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
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