The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Feedback for the mainline campaign The Rise of Wesnoth.

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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by Konrad2 »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

1.14.2, Hard

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?


(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?


(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Dealing with the lvl 2 enemies without losing my units.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by LordWolfDan »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

- 1.14.5, Easy

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

- 6

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

- Clear

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

- It's good, I say. Burin's introduction is nice one and having him is good as well.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

- Making sure not too many orcs swarm me

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

- 5

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

- None to think of
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by PorkSol »

>(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

Hardest available, 1.14.6, no within map reloads but plenty of restarts, 205 gp

>(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
7, if you just wanted to win, much higher to get a good result with a lot of promotions / gold and few losses

>(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

Clear enough, I had advance knowledge that the leaders were passive though, otherwise it would be much harder

>(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

It's fine for a gameplay focused scenario with minimal dialog

>(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Surviving the second night / first night after contact with the enemy, balancing the recruitment and promotion of new units with the recall of experienced units to get more value for money, avoiding being flanked by orcs going through the mountains

I had a lot of experienced level one units, which are a great combo in terms of value for money, due to lower initial maintenance cost and heal / power increase on promotion, I had to use quite a few of them, and didn't get to level as many outlaws as I might have liked

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

7 - kind of vanilla and difficult for my low-ish skill level, but ultimately reasonably well balanced. The excitement comes in the early rush though, once the orcs lose the bulk of their units the rest is a bit slow.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

Nothing springs to mind, the balance is pretty tight so I wouldn't mess with it. But I had advance knowledge of the surprise at the end, I'd be unhappy if I wiped because I triggered the ambush at the wrong time.

29/42 turns
332 gold at end of scenario, 337 at start of next scenario
Inflicted -3%
Taken -2%
Recruits: 5
Recalls: 9
Advancements: 11 (only 2 fresh recruits)
Losses: 3
Kills: 51
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by Konrad2 »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

1.5.11, Lord (Difficult)

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

8, didn't collect much carryover gold.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?


(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?


(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

So far, getting to the enemy leaders before turns run out.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?


Attempt (1)
Attempt (2)
Attempt (3)
TRoW-A Harrowing Escape replay 20210402-125934.gz
attempt (3)
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TRoW-A Harrowing Escape replay 20210329-141611.gz
attempt (1)
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attempt (2)
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by Remellion »

(1) What difficulty level and version of Wesnoth have you played the scenario on?
1.15.14, Commander (Challenging) (i.e. medium); blind playthrough.

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(I spared the Wesfolk leader last scenario.)
5/10. The mobile outlaw units make manoeuvring much easier.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Perfectly clear.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Clear. Burin's dialogue is fun, although he continues to be a somewhat one-dimensional character (well, he's optional). The main characters and the orcs continue to be well-written.
After finishing the scenario, I trust the writing enough to follow the advice and head for the swamp.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
- All the mountains.
- Really poor luck at the start, but nothing impossible to recover from.
- I lost another loyal heavy infantryman to an overextension into a bad retreat; two orcish archers ended him.
- Burin's abode stands out and it's a village, so it's natural to investigate. And he turns out to make this scenario, and indeed the rest of the campaign much easier.
- Quite a surprise after I killed the first orcish leader. I got lucky that my positioning could deal with it and the further orcish recruits.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
7/10. The storyline says that it's a desperate flight of refugees, and the gameplay checks out. So far this campaign is not a pushover at all.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

(8) Was there any event that caused you to lose the game and forced you to reload or restart the scenario?
TRoW-A Harrowing Escape replay 20210623-175548.gz
1.15.14, Challenging, English
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by Konrad2 »

(1) What difficulty levels have you played the scenario on?

1.16.0, Lord (Difficult)

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

4 with the carryover I had, base starting gold would have been a 9.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?


(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?


(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Surviving the first night when the orcs arrived in force, and taking out the tanky enemy leaders.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?


Scenario stats:
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by LienRag »

1) 1.16.5 intermediate

(2) 5. The enemy comes pounding hard in the first wave but with relaxed turn number it's possible to wait for them close to the castle. And if you don't want that, the castle chokepoint in the middle of the map is very strong too.

(3) clear

(4) Quite good. We could get random characters talking a little bit, to establish Haldric's growth as a leader (the people fleeing with him are not his retinue, but his father's).

(5) Rotating troops at the good moment so as to not lose any good ones.

(6) 8 - It feels a bit different than other maps, which is always good.

(7) Maybe have a second village in Burin's area, so as to incite the player to visit the zone ? I actually didn't even notice Burin's village when I played, it's only when I read the strategy tips after failing repeatedly the Temple of the Deep that I learned about him, and had to go back.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 3 - A Harrowing Escape

Post by Apparos_Vaklas »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

Difficulty: Lord Version: 1.17.22

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

Pretty clear

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

Quite interesting 8/10

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Lost a loyal Heavy Infantryman from a lucky orc archer. I sent a footpad to the village in the mountains and 5 wolf riders went after him which helped. It was quite manageable by being careful at night.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

9/10 Really liked it.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

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