The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Feedback for the mainline campaign The Rise of Wesnoth.

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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: Rise of Wesnoth

Post by ulfgur »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
I'm not sure, but I believe it was the middle one on the select.

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
3... Once I cheated to get enough gold to recall my entire set of level 3 units. If I hadn't done this, 'twould have been an 11. I like the idea whoeveritwas proposed about a "Buffer" scenario to build gold.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Very! I love the more intricate bits...

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Good. By the end of the campaign, I had decided the main character (his name slips my mind now) is not an imbecile.

The major complaint I had was that Jeyvan was missing a comma in "Rise from the (insert location) my loyal servants!"... Perhaps I'm just a comma freak, but even if he is exclaiming something he would add a small pause: "Rise from the (insert location), my loyal servants!"

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
... Er... Thank goodness for Debug?

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
6, which is a good grade from me.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Add a buffer scenario beforehand.

(8) Restarts?

(9) WML?

(10) Replay?
Not relevant. My tactics are abysmal, and would have the makers of the campaign weeping in despair.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Maiklas3000 »

(1) Level and version? hard, 1.11.16, 430 starting gold (200 is minimum.)
(2) Difficult? 9.5, I had to replay the previous scenario for more gold. ~338 was not enough.
(3) Objectives? Clear.
(4) Dialog? The plot strains credibility, but doesn't quite break it, so it's good.
(5) Challenges? Phew, I feel fortunate to have beaten this scenario with no save-reloads. I also used no save-reloads at any point previous in the campaign.

For recruitment, I probably overdid it on the ready-to-level L1's plus not-so-ready-to-level L2's, but I was really trying to stretch my gold. I lost only one unit other than Aethyr, and by the end everyone was L3, so it worked out okay. I wound up benching my Great Mage, because he wasn't very effective when I lost this scenario, and I felt I had better L3's for the job.

I used a different strategy than in my previous review. This time, I sent everybody west initially. This has the advantage of having overwhelming force in a localized area. The screenshot below shows the situation at the start of my turn 9, when I had lured the western orc leader out with the bait of an Iron Mauler (who can't shoot back.) I slowed the orc leader with my Entangler, and then he was dead after a lightbeam and a charge.
Wesnoth - TRoW - Rise of Wesnoth - turn 9.jpg
I also had a Silver Mage, but he is out of the screenshot area.

After getting the west under control, I spread my forces back to the east, and then split my forces in two, to cross the two bridges.

The most painful part of this scenario is the bridges. A Cuttle Fish will appear and destroy a bridge if you have a unit within 8 hexes but not another within 2 hexes of a bridge (and no enemy is on the bridge.) I used the "Set Label" feature to mark the trigger zones, and I bent over backwards to avoid the trigger zones until most of the enemy was gone and I could easily put units within 2 hexes of the bridges. However, I forgot about the final bridge before the enemy leader, and that almost cost me the game, as it slowed Commander Aethyr down by a turn.

I wound up winning on the last turn, with Commander Aethyr having a 84% chance of dying as he shot his crossbow at the Lich. (One of the victory conditions is that the Lich has to kill Aethyr.) I then had no problem killing the Lich, because I had my whole army around him; two Paladins did the job.
(6) Fun? 10. What an epic battle. If it wasn't the final scenario, it would be too much, but for the finale, it's great. I love the Walking Corpse chorus, sounding like a bunch of frogs, though it sounds better with slower acceleration, which nobody is going to use for this huge scenario.
(7) Changes? I have a few suggestions:

1. When one of my units is killed it turns to Soulless, as designed, but this even happens on villages. I had assumed it would not, and was surprised to find I was wrong. I suggest you block that feature if the unit is on a village.

2. I don't like having to replay the previous scenario for more gold, when I did a pretty good job of getting gold the first time. I'm worried that many players will get stuck here. You could raise the minimum starting gold, but I think a better idea is to reduce the gold to the enemy, say by 20%. It will still be plenty hard.

3. Trigger zones make me unhappy. IMO, it would better if a Cuttle Fish were stationed (and visible) next to each bridge, with swamps in the surrounding areas, and if anyone moves within a Cuttle Fish's attack range, then he first blows the bridge and then attacks. So, you'd have to sneak up on him and kill him in one round to save the bridge. Units on the bridge when it's blown could just fall in the water and survive, because it's not really blown up but rather torn down by the Cuttle Fish. The reason this is different than a trigger zone is that the player would be able to hover his cursor over the Cuttle Fish to see the area he needs to avoid, rather than repeatedly counting hexes or using "Set Label" to put "X" marks all over the map.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Theron »

difficulty: HARD / wesnoth version: 1.11.16

Scenario, starting gold (default+carryover),turns/max turns,recruits-recalls-advancements-losses-kills
22 200+293 28/39 0-21-1-4-203

Splitting forces is a bad idea.
Choose a nice location for the main battle.
I used the „isle“ of black because it’s nearer to Jevyan.
I lost 2 Paladins in getting a foothold on the „isle“.
Nitpicking: Even after the death of Jevyan there still rise skeletons and Walking Corpses. Aren’t they summoned by Jevyan?
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Sir_Bumpy »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
Normal (Commander)
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
8. I had a decent chunk of starting gold, although I had to replay the previous hellish scenario to obtain it. Being able to recall most of my troops enabled me to hedgehog my way around the level. Still, I lost quite a few troops and had to restart a few times.
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Complicated objectives, compared to other campaigns. Still, it was clear, especially because of the cutscene before.
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
There wasn't a ton of dialogue, but for what was there, it was pretty good I guess.
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Dealing with the stupid cuttlefish blowing up the bridge (I didn't bother tiptoeing around the trigger zone and just dealt with it). Also, the constant stream of enemies made progress extremely slow.
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
9. Unlike the previous scenario, this big battle wasn't as frustrating (no chocobones and not too many surprises). It was a big battle and I had a blast fighting my way to the end.
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
I would change the cuttlefish stuff. Unnecessary and somewhat uncalled for. Other than that, great scenario and a strong ending to a hard-won campaign.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: Rise of Wesnoth

Post by taptap »

Lord / challenging. 453 gold. Fun = spam, spam, surprise, spam. I handled the chocobones in the last scenarios just fine... but I don't enjoy this at all.

Somewhat frustrated that I can recall only a tiny fraction of my veterans. Went with 4 mermen and needed some time before I could deploy them properly, initial fight in swamp and plain, south of the encampment, while I was under pressure up north near the encampment. Killed all the cuttlefish, but had no trouble without bridges, finished turn 35/39. Now that I finished. It is good, it is over. Still pretty spammy, 250 kills in the final alone, only 1024 in the rest of the campaign. Overall 105 losses, which is good (I remember higher losses only in the much harder Panther Lord).

What happened to Burin after the adventure? Someone worked with that?

Whole campaign: Despite the tone of some of my comments I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, certainly one of the best in mainline. I did like the pacing in the first part better than in the second, earlier scenarios could be brutal (People in Decline, Rough Landing), but the last two scenarios dragged on too long, thanks to piecemeal reinforcement, after the main battle was fought (turn 10-27 in the Return of the Fleet, turn 20?-35 in The Rise of Wesnoth blasting through corpses). The campaign unfortunately features plenty of tomato surprises, some are harmless, some are annoying and some may lead to the player leaving in disgust, hardly one of them adds to gameplay, however. Harrowing escape is quite hard already and you may easily trigger this while an injured Haldric is exposed and no unit available to cover. Return of the fleet, don't mind the cuttlefish much, but the saurians would be better off as a faction (small keep!) in their own right + there seem to arrive much more chocos than I have seen on the clear map. The Rise of Wesnoth, I understand the undead hordes, the nagas, but why the cuttlefish? "Look a bridge! Hehehe." That is just outright teasing the player, who has zero chance to avoid this result without thorough testing / walkthrough reading and tailored recruitment. Lizard beach, you can make the naga appear as fixed reinforcement at turn x, but map-triggered reinforcements, always appear as clever ambushes that usually waited way too long and let their comrades fall before they engage (worst example is Crossroads of HttT), but punish unconventional play. Final spring is pretty easy, so maybe give the undead a chance by giving them a small camp and limited gold on arrival.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Thrash »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

1.12.6, Normal

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

Complicated but clear.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?


(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Having no idea how to stop the cuttle fish from destroying the bridges and then realizing there was going to be no let up in enemy units and hence I was going to have to push over the water. Timing that for during the day it wasn't too bad though.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

Something so that the bridge destroying could be reasonably prevented. Reading the wiki now I see there is some thing about unit placement but I don't know how the player is supposed to figure that out.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth: The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Aldarisvet »

Here are replays of an unthinkable thing - passing The Rise of Wesnoth campaign on hardest difficulty recruiting only Mages.
The game version is 1.12.6

Ok I finished uploading.
The first goal was to save replays.
I do not remember how I passed many scenarios because it was months ago. Possibly I will add comments later.
I freshly finished The Rise of Wesnoth however.
At the beginning I thought that this scenario would be boring. I do not like massive battles in the end because you just sit in the frontline and kill the first and the same time the last wave of the enemy But finally it was not boring because of permanent waves and also because I was able to recruit many mages and use a leadership over them. I thought I totally defeated the enemy to the turn 10 but new waves still blocked my progress so I arrived to Jevian closely to the time limit.

I do not like most of mainline campaigns because of weak storylines and monotone gameplay, but this campaign is definitely worth playing.
I remember I played this campaign kinda 8 years ago but I was not able to find a mood to finish it in the stage of elvish quests. These 4 quest battles look needless for the storyline and make it too lenghty but still they are tactically challenging.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by LordWolfDan »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

- 1.14.5, Easy

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

- 8

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

- Very clear.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

- Very good. That sonofab... Jevyan gets what he deserves and Aethyr's sacrifice is sad, but very important. I do believe that there are other campaigns in Wesnoth speaking about his sacrifice, no? I think it became too repetitive for Jevyan to announce the rising of his undead every few.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

- The haul ASSault of the enemies, but I was ready with this army:

- 1 Great Mage
- 1 Silver Mage
- 4 Mages of Light
- 2 Paladins
- 2 Grand Knights
- 2 Lancers
- 3 Royal Guards
- 3 Halberdeirs
- 1 Huntsman
- 1 Assassin
- 3 Highwaymen
- 3 Fugitives
- 2 Master Bowmen
- 3 Iron Maulers

+ Burin, Jessene, lvl 3 Aethyr and Haldric

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

- 10

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

- It is good as it is. Very good for the finale
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Konrad2 »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

1.14.5, Hard

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

Long winded but detailed.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?


(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Not being hasty to push ahead. Slow and steady wins the day.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by romans1x20 »

The cuttlefish didn't cause me any trouble cause after the bridge is broken I finished everything goes into water with available loyal units and Haldric. Playing defensive in the east so most of my lv3 and Aethrye can go for the west with more villages and less enemy, killing the two middle boss and jevyan and the sacrifice. Finally I finished off the east leader.

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?

1.14.5, medium

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

Good with plot supported

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

Quite good, honorable dead. I found wesnoth stories are usually very political, including this one.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

vampire bats flying around and you have to spend high damage attacks on them to prevent any unwanted troubles. Accidentally let a bat kill poisoned Jessene.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Tom_Of_Wesnoth »

Content Feedback wrote: March 26th, 2006, 8:21 pm (1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
Wesnoth 1.14.7 on Medium. 399 starting gold.
Content Feedback wrote: March 26th, 2006, 8:21 pm (2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
10. I couldn't beat it.
Content Feedback wrote: March 26th, 2006, 8:21 pm (3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Fairly clear.
Content Feedback wrote: March 26th, 2006, 8:21 pm (4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Always love a noble sacrifice, so big props to Commander Aethyr for that. I enjoyed that most characters had special dialogue, if you kept them alive up until this point. Nice plan to turn the enemy against the Elves instead of yourself.
Content Feedback wrote: March 26th, 2006, 8:21 pm (5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Crossing the first river. At first, I found the scenario easy enough, slaughtering the enemy as they reached the river, and holding them in the swamp and forest to the west. By turn thirteen, after surviving two nights, I had something like two deaths and sixty kills.

The problem comes when trying to progress. There's just a constant, non-stop stream of enemy units. Between five leaders recruiting units, Jevyan raising zombies, Jevyan raising skeletons, and the random Naga, there's just so many units constantly coming at me. If I take my whole force, I can punch through the first river - but then I don't get the chance to take out the brown orc, and won't win the scenario. Alternatively, I could head west to kill that orc - but be unable to punch through the river without heavy losses.

The AI, at that turn, has sixty units on the field, an income of around seventy, and of course gets free units every through turns. I only have twenty-one - and I've hardly been careless, I've had two deaths all scenario.

I just don't see how I'm meant to split my forces in two, and still hope to progress.
Content Feedback wrote: March 26th, 2006, 8:21 pm (6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
I'm frustrated by being unable to beat it, so I'm not going to give a number.
Content Feedback wrote: March 26th, 2006, 8:21 pm (7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Keep the bridges! It's just a pain dealing with them being broken. And I'd also reduce the enemy's gold, or their number of free units.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by serclino »

(1) Hard (1.14.13)

(2) 9

(3) clear

(4) amazing

(5) Few years before it was gold. Now it wasn't problem, because I started with about of 600 (or even more) gold. I was able to recall all of my veterans:
- 5 White Mages
- 5 Silver Mages
- 3 Grand Mages
- 4 Grand Knights
- 2 Paladins
- 3 Marauders
- 5 Mermen (one with storm trident)
- (and recruited 3 Spearmen)

(6) 8

(7) I would add some warning for cuttlefish.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Remellion »

(1) What difficulty level and version of Wesnoth have you played the scenario on?
1.15.14, Commander (Challenging) (i.e. medium); blind playthrough.
438 starting gold here.

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
10/10. Five enemy leaders holding nothing back, and all we have are as many veterans as we can muster. The challenge is to survive the first 20 turns or so, then the enemy finally runs out of steam. I had to be very disciplined with defending accurately and attacking safely to make it through, but unlike the previous scenario, I was never in grave danger this time around, and finished with no losses.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Perfectly clear. Unusual, but clear.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Haldric actually had a decent plan! (Except for the whole bit where Haldric dies. Good thing he has good allies around him.)
The cuttlefish had names! Reminded me of Inky's Quest (I liked that campaign, and played it long before this one even though it came later.)
As a whole, the campaign is quite compelling, and the characters did grow on me. The writing is overall great.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Maintaining discipline during the long period of managing the frontline and healing rotations. Outnumbered about 3 to 1, the whole game here is efficient damage trading and efficient healing - retreating where necessary and pushing aggressively where there is an opportunity. Jeyvan's skeleton and corpse summons and the cuttlefish were barely noticeable amidst the horde of level 2 troops rushing forwards.

(Battle details)
With 438 gold, I had 20 recalls available (upkeep prevents 21, I think). About half chaotic, half lawful. Counting Minister Edren, the healers were 6 mages of light and 2 white mages (for the chaotic troops.) The healers work well in pairs, especially on the offensive. A squad of 3 Silver Mages helped with defending villages and picking off isolated units - they are also my go-to lich killing units in any campaign, given their resistances. The remainder were horseback troops and tanky ground units.

Haldric, Aethyr, and the lawful units headed west with 4 mages of light, while the chaotic troops, Burin, Jessene, the white mages, and a pair of mages of light headed south to hold the forest. This was even more of a battle of attrition than Clearwater Port - deciding when to retreat, when to hold the line, and when to press an attack are essential, keeping in mind the best way to maintain a defensive line and conserve total unit HP.

A typical cycle: Destroying the enemy troops on turn 7 (dawn) is a safer play than holding position, since at the end we keep a good defensive line and have only two enemy units to worry about. Then on turn 8 (morning) the lawful units attack forward while the chaotic units retreat (the forest hexes help keep the enemies away), keeping a nice balance on the map. Turn 10 (dusk) the lawful units prepare to retreat, and turn 11 (first watch) they go full turtle.

Turn 12 (second watch) and 13 were interesting, since the enemy was thin in the middle at the forest, my chaotic units could actually press forward and try destroy them, as the enemy couldn't reinforce that position. So even though it ended at dawn, the chaotic units were safe enough hanging out at the edge of the forest.

The silver mages saw play holding the eastern villages and the starting keep area (e.g. turn 14, turn 16, turn 21, turn 26), and defending the western shoreline during the mop-up phase (turn 37, turn 41).

By turn 23 (first watch), the situation is pretty much under control, and the lawful units confidently push forward at night. The rest of the scenario is less stressful management, carefully moving forward across the rivers. The sea orc leader was the natural choice to leave alive at the end. Finished on turn 58.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
10/10. After the two previous massive battles, this one is a truly massive battle, and worthy of being the finale. All three of the final battle scenarios (The Vanguard, Return of the Fleet, The Rise of Wesnoth) are great challenges, and great fun.

As a whole, this campaign is the best mainline campaign I've played so far (have yet to play: SotA, SotBE, UtBS, NR). Solid writing, memorable characters, a variety of maps and enemies, difficulty as promised (hard, but beatable by an experienced player on the first playthrough), and a gauntlet of 3 final scenarios that I think get full marks for challenge and fun.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

(8) Was there any event that caused you to lose the game and forced you to reload or restart the scenario?
No - first try, and without a single loss!
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1.15.14, Challenging, English.
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by Konrad2 »

(1) What difficulty levels have you played the scenario on?

1.16.1, Lord (Difficult)

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

8, to get anywhere without getting surrounded and killed by papercuts.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?


(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?


(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Not advancing too fast. The lvl 1s and lvl 0s might not hurt by themself, but there are like 20-30 of them on the map at the same time.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

Make the Cuttlefish depend on where my units are, not what turn it is.

Scenario stats:
Campaign stats:
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Re: The Rise of Wesnoth 22 - The Rise of Wesnoth

Post by LienRag »

(1) 1.16.5, intermediary difficulty (I just wanted to see the storyline, and also I'm trying to wean me out of compulsive save-loading, which makes the game unfun - so I'm way less able to tackle hard difficulty without that)

(2) I'd say 7; I had 700 starting gold so I was able to recruit a lot, especially since going into deficit isn't a problem for the last scenario, and yet I was close to have my defenses crumbling in the first night (I established my line of defense at the marshes just before the river on the west, south of the castle, since I had many mermen). After the initial waves were destroyed, it was quite easy though.
The fact that there is no more turn limit in the current version was helpful in making the scenario less stressful.
Destruction of the bridges is actually initially helpful since they delay the southern forces and allow for a natural defense along the river once your forces are able to reach it.

(3) Quite clear, though it's not obvious what exactly "have Aethyr killed by Jevian" means. I inferred that I had to bring him to the Lich-lord and have him die at its hand but I wondered if something different would happen (like Jevian rushing to kill him when in range, or whatever). Same for "letting the last orc leader flee".

(4) The sacrifice is a very interesting plot, but the repetitive lines of Jevian when he summons creatures tend to get boring after a while. I get that it's not easy to plan for varied lines when you don't know how many times they are going to happen.
Also you may want to buildup a little more the relationship between Haldric and Lady Jessene - you don't have to copy HttT's dialogs between Konrad and Lisar but still showing some concern from one about the safety of the other could be nice.
Just adding some punctuation in Lady Jessene's opposition to Haldric's sacrifice could help expose that she's not just dismissing it from a rational standpoint.

(5) Surviving the first assault, while I didn't have enough time to reach the river before it in order to make my stand there.

(6) 7, I liked it. It's actually one of the first scenarios where I didn't save-reload a lot, yet I was both clearly challenged and still able to find a path to victory once I figured a plan.

(7) Surprises are good but they need to be hinted at, else it's just a PITA. The "loyal soldiers" should probably get more and more powerful each day, so the player still knows that they may arrive and can prepare for that, but doesn't know exactly how many (nor what exactly) they will be, which keeps him (or her) on the edge.
The Orcish leaders shouldn't be that easy to eliminate after the initial wave, maybe have a bunch of bodyguards for them rather than leaving them alone after they get out of gold (of course these bodyguards need to be either visible or hinted at if they are to pop-up as a surprise). And/or have them get more villages in remote parts of the map (with guards around) so they have a regular income, and the player really needs to think about how to eliminate them.
If the bridge was one hex longer, and the Naga were able to block the waters rather than venture into land to be destroyed, getting across the river would be quite more difficult.
The Naga expeditionnary corp could be larger, considering that this is the last scenario and there is no time limit - so there is time to retreat if things get awry. It would be counter-productive to hint specifically at them, but just a general hint in the initial dialog about being prudent since Jevyan may have prepared for the assault should be enough.
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