After the Storm

Review and rate user-made single and multiplayer campaigns and scenarios.

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After the Storm

Post by Iris »

Let’s do this.

If you want to provide feedback on After the Storm, you have two options: either post in the development topic (where you might find spoilers), or post here (where you might also find spoilers). You may either copy and answer the questionnaire provided in the template below, come up with your own feedback structure, or hand me your thoughts in a less organized fashion. In any case, you should definitely check out the survey at the end of this post!

If you need to report bugs or ask more general questions, please use the development topic.

By posting your feedback, you acknowledge that I am in no way required to implement every suggested change. In particular, anything that would alter the story is off-limits.

You don’t know what this is about? You don’t know what the latest version of the campaign is or whether your version of Wesnoth is still supported? You don’t know what difficulty/version of the game/campaign you are playing on?
  • The game version can be found in the lower left corner of the titlescreen.
  • The campaign version can be found in the campaign’s description in the Campaigns menu.
  • The difficulty level is displayed among other information when selecting a saved game in the Load Game dialog.
The nomenclature for scenarios and episodes of this campaign (which I use in my own posts) is ExSy (Episode x, scenario y) and Ex (Episode x). This may be used as a convenient shorthand in lieu of the complete episode and/or scenario name. Most scenarios throughout the campaign include this shorthand along with the standard scenario name during story screen sections.

Without further ado, the feedback questionnaire template:
If reviewing a specific scenario, please specify which.

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)

(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)

(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)

(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?

(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
And here is an optional little survey that’s not about your experience with this campaign in particular:
(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)

(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?

(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?

(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?

(E) What other kinds of games (genres) have you played?
Author of the unofficial UtBS sequels Invasion from the Unknown and After the Storm.
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Re: After the Storm

Post by Zmoj »

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?
I've played this on easy difficulty, all 3 episodes but right now I'm playing 3rd episode.
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)
6-7, depending on episode I played.
(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)
9, I found them all clear in first two episodes, but in third one, the one I'm playing now, in scenario 6 (I think), I'm not understanding what I have to do.
(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?
Well, they weren't that hard except in third one, the scenarios you have to sacrifice units to kill drones.
(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)
10, it is very clear and very interesting.
(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)
It's very fun, I like that you made total of 5 episodes with a long story, interesting characters and well developed story.
(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?
There are some minor grammar mistakes made, and, although it is no bug, I'm confused a little when fighting an enemy you can't hit, only for him to run away or something else.
(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?
Haven't played it before.
(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
Nothing particular, It is a great campaign/campaigns, a well made one/ones. Too bad you won't be making more of them (or at least I read so) and that some main characters die. I only want to ask for some help in that scenario in episode 3 Outpost of Hell, there seems to be a bug. After you destroy pillars supporting central keep and Custodian drone, I don't know what to do and in scenario objectives it says that I must secure some portal. Could you give me some help?
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Re: After the Storm

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

1. The first version when episode 3 was completed (I don't remember the exact version, maybe it was 0.9.0?) - Wesnoth 1.10.4 - Easy Difficulty
2. 6-8
3. Crystal Clear (10)
4. Figuring out where to go in the dungeon maps :P
5. 10 (it was all crystal clear)
6. Not fun, but very fascinating. I was flabbergasted with Blood. It was the most epic boss fight ever!
7. Nothing. It's perfect. :D
8. I generally play SP campaigns once. Playing campaigns twice spoils my interest for them.
9. Too perfect to suggest any improvements :P

A. Add-ons Server/ Forums
B. All Mainline ones, Invasion from the Unknown, A Rough Life, Library of Kratemaqht, Forward They Cried and many more.
C. Maybe 5 to 6 years, I started with version 1.4.6
D. Story plot and characters are quite significant to my viewpoint.
E. Lode Runner: The Legend Returns, Nanosaur II, Planeshift, Xonotic, Megaglest, Warzone2100, Astromenace, Jets'n Guns (Gold), and Lego Universe.

Finally, I would like to say that this is the best UMC campaign I have ever played. :D I give the campaign a rating of 9.99 out of 10 in my book (which is equivalent to excellence).
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Re: After the Storm

Post by Iris »

Zmoj wrote:(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
Nothing particular, It is a great campaign/campaigns, a well made one/ones. Too bad you won't be making more of them (or at least I read so) and that some main characters die. I only want to ask for some help in that scenario in episode 3 Outpost of Hell, there seems to be a bug. After you destroy pillars supporting central keep and Custodian drone, I don't know what to do and in scenario objectives it says that I must secure some portal. Could you give me some help?
If you didn’t defeat all the other enemy leaders before slaying the Custodian drone, you are given the choice to continue playing and defeat them, or proceed to the next scenario immediately. Even if you do choose to continue playing, you may leave at any time by right-clicking on the game field and choosing the “Leave Battle” option. Whether you defeat all enemy leaders in the end or not affects the northerners’ willingness to help you in the future.

If you are sure you defeated all the other enemy leaders by that point, then there might be a bug and I’d like to inspect a saved game in that case.
Author of the unofficial UtBS sequels Invasion from the Unknown and After the Storm.
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Re: After the Storm

Post by snipe2004 »

Hi Shadown,

Thanks a lot for your (three!) GREAT AMAZING campaigns! They're really, really nice : graphics, story, difficulty... This is "pro" work!
Very, very well done. I can't imagine how many time it took you... Thanks for those hours of fun!

I must admit I'm facing the same bug as Zmoj. I first eradicated all the "normal" enemy leaders, then blew the pillars and killed the drone. No, I'm facing the MatrixFlowSystem with 50+ units, and I just can't hit it. I reach the end of tours and lose like this :(

I join to this post my save file, tell me if there's anything I could do to help you!

But, to be complete :D :
(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?
The story was so interesting, I stopped playing in "normal" and used "easy mode" to be able to progress quickly in the story :-)
I'm using Wesnoth 1.10.6 and After the Storm 0.9.7
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)
Well, in easy mode : 2. That's quite normal for an "easy mode" ^^
(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)
10 : I must confess I sometimes outpassed some text, and always understood everything I had to do thanks to the objectives. Except for "Outpost for Hell", cf. supra, but it could be a bug.
(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?
In easy mode, it was not challeging, it was a passionating story I couldn't wait to read :-D
(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)
10! Clear (perhaps a lot of different names made it sometimes hard to remember who is who) and so nice story, well build!
(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)
10 on 10. Well, no. If by "fun", you mean "made me laugh", then 1 ^^ But if you mean "enjoyable", then 10 ;-)
(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?
Cf. supra. Otherwise, nothing! (I'm not native speaker so I saw nothing but that doesn't mean anything xD)
(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?
Nope, first time for me, but how addicting! I played the three campaigns in 6 days. With life going on, work and so on, it can give you an idea of how passionated I was ;-)
(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
Just, sincerely, thanks. You made a great work, and I can't thank you enough for this.
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Re: After the Storm

Post by Iris »

That’s an unfortunate side-effect of the very bug fix released in version 0.9.7. Thanks for the report and the saved game!

I’ll have version 0.9.8 released shortly to address this issue, but in the meantime and since the only way to apply the fix otherwise would be to replay the whole scenario from the start-of-scenario save, have this saved game with the MFS turned into a 1 HP Imp. You should be able to kill it with any unit.
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EDIT: Version 0.9.8 is now available.
Author of the unofficial UtBS sequels Invasion from the Unknown and After the Storm.
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Re: After the Storm

Post by snipe2004 »

Great, I was able to finish the scenario, thanks for your help :)

I hadn't seen this :
(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)
I saw it on the list available in the game.
(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?
All main-line, + iftu, and at least a dozen other campagins available via
(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?
Two years? Three?
(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?
Really important. Some "basic" campaigns I found in the list wree really not fun to play... Just battles after battles...
(E) What other kinds of games (genres) have you played?
Almost everything, mmorpg, rpg, rps, fps,...
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Re: After the Storm

Post by ntcx »

Hi, i'm happy to provide some feedback, i played all the five campaigns first time over the last few weeks, however i have still 2-3 missions left. Still i wish to give some feedback about these three campaigns already.

1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?
Normal, however i found the invasion of the unknown campaign was much easier than this one, but i like it how it is.

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)

(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)

(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?
Can't really say, it seems to be quite balanced all over the time, at least there was nothing where it was totally easy or i stuck.

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)

(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)
I like it very much, mainly because of the fact it is obviously very carefully developed, however there is still room for improvement in some particular cases concerning certain missions. But perhaps thats just a thing of personal preferences.

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?
I haven't encountered obvious gamebraking or any other important bugs so far, still i had a feeling about there was something that wasn't right about the movement range of the units, and i'm not sure if i missed some rules of the game.

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?
Current version, i haven't played any of the previous versions.

(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
Yes, There is the possibility in Wesnoth to give some additional info in the mission goal dialogue. That greatly helps the player in any case and should be used even more. If only a few promoted units are enough to win the mission, i'd rather be informed whats going instead of finding out i was running around in a cave with 20 units without any point where i felt it was too time consuming. Or just a little hint about the map. If you have never played this before you have no idea whats perhaps going on on a map that has to be revealed. I think the campaign does a good job here already but it could be even better.
Since the campaign looks already finished i rather like to have it like this than making any detailed suggestions now. Well done and thanks very much.

(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)
Add-ons server listing

(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?
(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?
Nearly every campaign and a few add-on campaigns over the last years.

(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?
I think it's an important part of Wesnoth, especially in this campaign and that makes it interesting and motivates to continue.
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Re: After the Storm

Post by perseo »

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?
Normal, It was quite a long campaign and I was not in the mood of being challenged continuously during one month (or two, all the summer, actually coz I plaid IftU and AtS) Also in this very long campaigns I'm always a bit afraid of getting block in one of the last scenarios if I play it hardcore.

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)
7. Just it. It's a good 7, though, considering I was expecting normal difficulty I found what a I sought for.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)
10. No doubt.

(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?
Don't really remember anyone in particular, perhaps I should have answered this in September and not 4 months later.

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)
7. I have to recognise that I got lost a lot of times. While I like a good powerful rich story, I'm not reading a book, my attention is divided between plot and gameplay... and your plot requires all my attention, which made me get lost at some point, among gods, guardians... and never got the threat back.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)
Pretty much, I would have enjoyed a less complicated plot, though (as I said before). It can be a little oppressing, I had to take some rests.

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?
Not that I remember

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?

(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
What I said related to the plot. You wrote kind of a book... and it's difficult to understand it, I mean, the main plot is clear, but all the historical events and god-related stuff is not very clear, at least for me.

(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)
It's kind of a legend in this forums, you know. I installed it in 1.6 (not sure), 1.8 and then 1.10. after finally plaid the saga completely this summer.

(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?
All the mainline except HoT, EI (don't really know what's this campaign doing in mainline), and SotBE (complete I mean, I never finished them). Then I've played, FoaP, To the lands unknown, swamplings, the roar of the woses, the devil's flute, inki's quest, a tale of a peasant, bad moon rising,... can't remember all of them...

(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?
I think 3 years, I discovered it when coming back from summer 2010 and revising games in the ubuntu library. I couldn't resist it, and It has become the game most hours I've spent in with a large difference.

(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?
I don't want to say it again... ;) They're very important, but I don't really like very very deep plots. FoaP has a delicious plot in my opinion, balancing nice story and yet simple enough for me to understand when playing. Yours is very complicate for me.

(E) What other kinds of games (genres) have you played?
MMORPG's (only runescape), strategy online (ogame style), some shooters(CoD with my friends), platforms... but my favourites are car racing and strategy (wesnoth, nowadays).
"I was pulling a barrow, when I saw a stalking horse
what a beautiful day!- he said- for visiting a red herring
and getting hoarse."
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Re: After the Storm

Post by jearrr »


I am very impressed with After the Storm. The variety of scenario types, storytelling sequences, new units, graphics and music makes this addon precious (;. Great work - it must have taken hours and hours to bring this to completion.

The third campaign of After the Fall is the best - probably because your Scenario skill improved a lot. I also played under the Burning Suns, which I enjoyed, too.

Perhaps the only thing that I did not like so much was the overall story-arc. The many goddesses/demons were quite confusing and made me feel that I was playing a Wesnoth Soap Opera. Also, while I found the Chaos Empire to be very well laid out, I did not like idea of the Shaxtal. Somehow biomagical robots made destroyed the fantasy feeling for me.

But again - this is high quality stuff!

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?

Easy - too many Shaxtal for me. I must confess that I used save/load pretty often to advance in the storyline and save my precious Draugs/Liches/etc.

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)


(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?

Shaxtal shower.

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)

Very nice. 10.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)

Very much fun. You have managed to create a superb atmoshere!

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?

Not that I remember.

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?


(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?

Done above.


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Re: After the Storm

Post by misteroz96 »

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?
Easy, either IftU and AtS on 1.10
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)
(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)
(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?
not to lose too many units but i failed
(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)
10? My english is bad and maybe i lost some things but the campaigns story is amazing
(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)
It wasn't only fun, it feels like you are in the mind of the protagonist and feel all his/her emotions
(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?
I had one with a no-randomness mod but i solved it somehow
(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?
(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
Will the story continue?

(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)
I accidentally found IftU in the Add-on listing and downloaded it cause i liked the name xD and after 2-3 mounts i accidentally found After the Storm, the name sounded great and i noticed that was the IftU sequel so i downloaded it
(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?
all mainline (some of them 4-5 times), of add-on not a lot: The Fate of the Princess, LotI, Only dead behind, saving Elensefar and other 2-3 which i don't remember
(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?
7 years
(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?
The plot is what make a difference between a battle and a game
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Re: After the Storm

Post by orian34 »

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on?
Easy mode, i don't like hardcore playing... :?
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10)
6 even if some specific scenarios were harder...
(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10)
10, everything was clear.
(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign?
Not to lose by a stupid mistake...
(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)
10 great!
(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)
Well, it's a sad story...
(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?
(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?
(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?
I wonder what happens when anya reaches elynia at the very end...too bad we do not see this!
And i was kinda sad that we don't see any other guardian than the 4 we know...i mean, you make a whole thing about the 10 guardian etc and you show only 3 kind? unused potential!

(A) Where/how did you first hear about this campaign? (Add-ons server listing, forum thread index, hearsay, etc.)
a long time ago(years), i found IftU but never played it until now, done it and searched for more work done by it's creator(you).
(B) What other (Wesnoth) single-player campaigns (mainline or add-ons) have you played before this?
A lot...but more special campaigns with unique features...
(C) For how long have you played Wesnoth?
6 years
(D) When playing a Wesnoth campaign or any other kind of game allowing for it, how important are the story and characters for you?
well, every time i lose a loyal unit, i'm pissed talking of the main heroes...
(E) What other kinds of games (genres) have you played?
More of RPG and strategy games!
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Re: After the Storm

Post by MerlinCross »

(1) What difficulty levels and game and campaign versions have you played the scenario or campaign on? Easy. Still found it challenging at times

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario/campaign? (1-10) Varied at times. I'd say 6+ as an average

(3) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign objectives? (1-10) Pretty clear though at times I didn't know where to go. Probably the point at those times

(4) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario/campaign? LEGION!!! No really the infinite Shaxthals were a massive pain. Along with certain bosses.

(5) How clear did you find the scenario/campaign prose (dialog, story text, etc.)? (1-10)4-6. Really at times I had trouble keeping up with the story.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario/campaign is? (No rating scale.)Pretty fun. Only downside is you fight the same 2 armies most the time. Makes sense yes but if I have to kill another drone....

(7) Any gameplay bugs or prose mistakes (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in the scenario/campaign?I didn't notice any.

(8) If you have played this campaign before, how many times and what Wesnoth and campaign versions?First time

(9) Any additional comments, suggestions, or questions?I feel like I got jipped at the end. Game ended with "certain other Guardian of Darkness may have forgotten something" And I'm scrambling to find out where I messed up.
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Re: After the Storm

Post by Thalion »

Hi, I just finished this series also with Iftu and it was such great ride! I absolutely love this campaign! Story was such great and the mythology was also interesting even though sometimes a bit confusing, but it perfectly fits in whole Wesnoth storyline and it has right Wesnoth feeling. Characters are awesome and such interesting. Don't know what to say now, it was sooo good. :D I just wish my english was better so I can enjoy it even more (specialy historicle and mythology parts of story).
I have just one question. Any chance for sequel? ;) :D
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Re: After the Storm

Post by BTIsaac »

Haven't finished it yet, but i did just got through that one chapter in episode 3. You know the one. I think my brain just melted. I mean it was awesome and all, came right out of nowhere, and seriously... What the hell did i just play?!
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