Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

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Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by py6aka »

Hello everybody!
There is a project, which developed by russian fans for two years. Maybe you've already seen mentions of it in blogs of some russian players (like Aldarisvet's facebook) or you even have visited topic, devoted to development of our single-player campaign (which is only a little part of whole project).

Today we've decided to cover our work more actively, so if you've already knew about us, you can just skip next paragraph and watch our new arts, which you couldn't see anywhere before.
The Silver Age Project is an attempt to show world of Wesnoth in its historical development. You'll see how Wesnoth, Knalgah and other nations have changed during The Silver Age — era of growth and (magical) science, which followed Age of Fear and events of Eastern Invasion offical campaign. Project includes multiplayer era which (in the plans) 8 factions and over 350 units which totally new abilities and graphics and other sub-projects, based on the era — single-player campaigns, survivals — all of them ar different stages of readiness.

You can play our product right now — ''The Silver Age Era'' and ''The Shadow of Death'' beta-versions may be downloaded by 1.13-version add-on server — or you can just watch our progress via this topic, where we'll share our works — mostly graphics, but also spoilers, ideas and samples of code.

P.S. As some of native-speakers have probably deduced, we really need help of translator or text corrector - we're russians, after all.
P.P.S. Any other help is also welcomed. Contact us via our english-language topic on russian forum ( or via PM.
Last edited by py6aka on November 25th, 2016, 10:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Silver Age #art

Post by py6aka »

Royal Army
There is full completed unit-tree of the Royal Army faction and some portratis we've already finished:

all units made by z5x1 a.k.a ZeXa
archer and apprentice mages portrarits by topazice
light pikeman, light infantryman and heavy infantryman portraits by z5x1
Loyalist tree
Mage male
Mage female
Heavy infantryman
Light pikeman
Light infantryman
upd: upcoming works: warder and poacher (harpoon variation) portraits by z5x1. Warder is 2nd level Royal Army unit from Light Pikeman line, while Poacher is 1st level Syndicate unit with two variations: illegal hunter and illegal fisher.
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by z5x1 »

Hi! It's ZeXa here. Yesterday I have received concepts of orcish faction by DV (it's pretty funny - we got sprites of goblin and orc before we have overall concept of the faction - DV just told me what weapon i should draw), so i decided to share it with you. It's just concepts of units' roles without exact parameters, so if you have any ideas - feel free to share it, and maybe we'll convince DV to change plans.

So, scheduled faction ''Three hundred tribes'' will include following unitlines:

1) Goblins - just as in default era, they are ''degraded'' orcs. Planned cost is 5 gold, so it's cheapest unit (on par with MFNU's Zombie). Armed with spears. We planning to made goblins swift (6 MP) units with both ranged and melee attacks, so they'll be able to penetrate enemy rear and block an escape route with their ZoC. Of course it'll be easy to kill them and receive full 8 XP for each. It may be an good idea to give them some ability to compensate their weakness, but we still aren't confident, so your offers are welcomed. It may be damage bonus for large groups of goblins (something like ''common touch'') or ability to retreat when HP is low (do remember HMM V and sneaky goblins?) or something other. Upgrades imply chiefs (with leadership for-goblins-only) - and even goblin ''tsars'' of 3rd level, goblin shamanes and javelineers with improved ranged attack (there is also a space for new ideas). We're already have 1st level goblin's sprite:
2) Weaklings - smaller orcs, who depreciatingly called ''weaklings'' by stronger ones. Planned cost is 10 gold. Armed with bows and swords. Despite of their name they are quite strong physically (in human terms), so melee and ranged attacks are almost equal. Total damage isn't very high, but arrows are poisoned. Assassins now are 2nd level of same unit line (due to same ''venomous supports'' role). Another variant of upgrade implies fire-shooters with crossbowms. Maybe we'll add alternative ranged attack for 1st level also.
3) Shamans - other smaller orcs who deserve more respect due to their connection with spirits. Planned cost is 14 or 15 gold. Their magic isn't so strong as true mages', but more multi-purpose. They able to cremate corpses of adjacent units when they die to prevent effects of plague, heal poison and bleeding (but without recovery of HP). There also should be some weak magic attack (may be ranged life drain as shamans from SoBE have it, or, conversely, some melee spell), but we not yet decided about it. Anyway, these units are supports, not damagers. Any ideas are welcomed.
4) Catpults - primitive siege machines. Orces are race of conquerors, so they should assault castles more frequently than any other race. Catpults has low MP and low accuracy in the open field attacks, but increased accuracy against villages and castles, so those machines replace mages and marksmen for orcs. Burning missiles, etc. If you remember goblin's catpult from King's Bounty, it's that very unit. As crew gains experience, it able to improve machine and invite different types of projectiles, so catpults able to ''upgrade'' as any other unit.
5) Strongmen - larger orcs, who are really ''strongmen''. Something like ruling class among orces. Planned cost is 15 cold. Armed with swords. Very thick (but with low resistance and not very good defense on rough terrains) and very strong (best total melee damage among all 1st level units). Upgrades imply chiefs (with leadership for-orcs-only), armored orcs-henchmen and even orcish version of berserkers (Bashi-bazouk). We're already have 1st level sprite:
6) Wolves - not wolf riders but actually tamed wolves. Some of them (beginning with 2nd level) have riders, while others - no. Planned cost is 13 gold. 1st level is terrain-friendly scout (7 MP), who fears fire attacks and has low defense in villages and castles, but very good on hills or trees. Let's be honest - default goblin rider haven't greatly affected HP or damage of his wolf, so wolf without him can almost the same (but still want money for just sitting on wolf), so when crisis came, orcish government dismissed a goblin, but left a wolf. Upgrades imply alphas (with leadership for-wolves-only) and goblin knights (with scimitars, so they able to help wolf in fight).
7) Trolls - bearing pillars of orcish army. Planned cost is 20 gold. High HP, high damage (though total damage is lower than strongman's), stone skin (high resistance to everything except cold and arcane), regeneration and chance to get fearless trait. Slow and hard to upgrade, but still very good unit.
8) Leaders. You can't recruit them, but one of them is always with you - as your leader. Different variations of unit has ability to ''unite'' one of subfactions - goblins, strongmen or weaklings - it increases their resistance (united they stand) when leader adjacent. It's vital ability for the faction as all of orcs has low resistance to blade attacks due to absence of metal armour, while goblins are also vulnerable to impact weapon due to their frail physique. Note that every orcish leader is also a master at arms and owner of so rare high quality armor. It's an true aristocracy! ("aristocracy" is "reign of best men" according to Aristotle).

So, that's all we have at the moment. Express your opinion - help us to make orcish faction better!
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Silver Age #infobox

Post by py6aka »

Royal Army
In "infobox" section we'll provide the most detailed information about units and their abilities with some statistics and trivia. Let's begin with Royal Army Light Pikeman.

Pikemen in game:
Unit's presentation:
Abilities and specials:
* Every unit in the line has firststrike (like default spearman) on one of melee attacks.
* Elite Pikeman's attack has "very long" special (Unit: -1 strike in defense with an attack with the special. Opponent: -1 strike in defense against an attack with the special).
* One of halberdier's attacks has "critical hit" special (When hits the opponent and inflicts 15+ damage, opponent can no more do counterstrikes, and its defense reduced to 10% until encounter ends).
* Legionnaire's ranged attack has three specials at the same time: ordinary "marksman" (same as default Elvish Marksman has) and "slow" (same as default Elvish Shaman has), and "preparation" (attack doesn't work at defense).

WML-code for these specials (except default ones) is in file below:

Code: Select all

        id=very long1
			special=very long1
        id=very long2
		    special=very long1
        id=critical hit
	special=critical hit
	    ability=unstoppable rage
    name=attacker hits
	special=critical hit
	    ability=unstoppable rage
       text= _ "CRITICAL HIT!"
    name=attack end
	special=critical hit
	    ability=unstoppable rage
    {CLEAR_VARIABLE critical_wounded}
    {CLEAR_VARIABLE critical_wounded2}
light-pikeman.png (1.86 KiB) Viewed 7967 times
Last edited by py6aka on December 1st, 2016, 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Silver Age #art

Post by py6aka »

New post for #art section! Our artist recently completed a new sprites: variations of zombies and plague carriers.
  • there are 13 variations of zombies and plague carriers, 4 variations of ghouls and devourers and only one flesh golem. When zombie becomes flash golem, it loses specific traits of its variation, but you still can see in the encyclopedia something like ''Flesh Golem Orcish meat''
  • not only MFNU (a.k.a undead) faction will be able to use zombies in the era. One 2nd level unit of saurian augur line - Voodoo Mage - will also be able to create zombies from killed units. Saurians are part of the Swamplings faction.
So it's time to represent fully completed tree of MFNU units:
  • due to great number of zombie's variarions MFNU is the most numerous faction in the era (but technicaly all variations of unit is still the same unit).
  • the unit in in the upper left corner is variation of Ku'man'dan unit, which represents the faction in the faction-selection menu. This variation isn't playable in the multiplayer, but appears in the campaign. Original Ku'man'dan is the 3rd level of Skeleton Spearman line (one with shield and golden armour).
  • zombie costs only 5 gold coins. It's 2 times cheaper than Vampire, 3 times cheaper than Skeleton Archer and 4 times cheaper than Dark Adept or Ghost. Repeated recall of killed Ilk'kha'ya'leth (unique ghost which you obtain in the beginnig of each game) costs 25 gold coins, so if you look at this sum as its cost, you may say that the MFNU has both cheapest (though Zombie shares this ''title'' with goblin-raider) and the most expensive 1st level units in the era.
  • the faction has the largest number of skirmisher-type abilities at its disposal as Night Hound and her upgrades have "skirmisher" ability (the same Shadows have in default era), Black Vampire and Dread Wing have "wraith" (which allows to ignore living units' ZoC through visual hallucinations), Legion (4th level skeleton) has "testudo" (which allows to ignore ZoC and increases physical resistance in defense by 20%) and Ku'man'dan has "forgotten tactic" (which doesn't allow him to ignore ZoC by himself but temporarily provides such ability to all adjacent allies).
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Silver Age #idea

Post by py6aka »

It's a time for #idea section! In order to increase the variety of magic in our era, we've chaned the system of upgrades for mages, dark adepts and shamans.

While mage of 1st level looking like ordinary unit, but with each levelup he or she gains 1 additional spell - and he or she still upgrades to new unit type. So, every mage has two types of spells - basic spells, which all unit of such type have (like fireball for red mage and his upgrades) and modular spells, which individual unit can choose from a spellbook (he has 3 or 4 variants to choose).

Spell aren't necessarily new attacks - ir may be abilities or bonuses for previously obtained attacks. Sometimes (especially for 4th level) list of available spells depends from spells you've chosen before.

Let's try to sort it out at an example of Royal Army Mages.

1st level Apprentice Mage has only one spell - energy stream with 10-2 arcane ''magical'' damage. Damage of the spell increases by 2 points per unit's level.
White Mage has the same spell (which inflicts 12-2 damage since white mage's level is 2), but also heal (spell-ability which heals 8 hitpoints of adajenct units and cures poison and bleeding. Healing powers increases by 2 per level) and one modular spell of this:
  1. lightbeam is new attack which replaces energy stream. Inflicts 8-3 arcane damage, so total damage is the same 24 points as for energy stream, but instead of ''magical'' special it has far superior ''unavoidable'' (90% accuracy) - it has speed of light, after all. Damage increases by 3 points per unit's level (so in 3rd level it would inflict 11-3 against 14-2 of energy stream).
  2. purification is new melee attack, which works against undead only (0 damage against non-undead units). Inflicts 7-3 arcane damage, so it's make your mage over-effective against any undeads, especially against ghosts with their low HP. +2 damage points per level.
  3. style of willow isn't a spell, but rather an martial art of white mages. Unit, who learn it, able to fight with magic staff in the right hand and morning star in the left (do you remember Gandalf with staff and sword from 3rd LoTR film?). So, staff melee attack (which inflicts 7-2 impact damage) replaces with staff-and-morning-star attack (12-2 impact damage). Maybe good against enemy mages (who are vulnerable for physical attacks and usually can't fight back at melee combat).
  4. relic is possibility to become a holder of the holy relic, but mage should abandon all his attacks forever. So, he loses his melee attack and ranged attack and even possibility to obtain new spells in the next level. In return, mage becomes invulnerable to any non-arcane damage, obtains ability to inflict 4 points of damage to all adjacent undead units every turn and ability to increase damage of adjacent lawful and neutral mages by 20% (like leadership but for mages only). And he or she is still able to heal allies, so you have neraly-immortal healer and leader without any damage. Not so bad!
Upgrades screen:
3rd level Light Mage has all spells which he had on 2nd level (which power of spells increased respectively), and can choose one of this:
  1. Magical Shield is ability which increases cold, fire and arcance resistance by 25% (in defense only). BTW, Paladins have it as their basic spell.
  2. Light Aura is default era's illuminates ability.
  3. Seer is ability to foresee the future. To obtain it mage should completely abandon any other magic, so he or she loses all spells and even ability to cure(but keeps attacks of staff or staff-and-morning-star). In return, mage obtains ''seer'' special (Unit:+20% accuracy Opponent:-20% accuracy) for its melee attack and 50-hexes vision range - you'll see everything! Especially good with style of willow (14-2 damage of 3rd level).
  4. mages who have lightbeam can also learn sunlight - new attack which replaces lightbeam. Inflicts 12-3 arcane damage (whilelightbeam inflicts 11-3 on 3rd level), which specials ''unavoidable'' (90% accuracy) and ''flash'' (opponent's accuracy decreases by 20). One of most effective spells, which allows you to attack without receiving counterattacks and make it very hard for enemy archers and even mages(70% accuracy of magical attacks turning into 50%) to attack your mage.
Note: mages who have holy relic can't obtain any new spells. Upgrades screen:
So, it's how it works. Considering that apprentice mage have 3 variants of upgrade (red, blue and white mages) and each of 2nd level mages have 2 variants of upgrade, you have almost inexhaustible number of combinations of attacks and abilities. Find the desired combination and obtain ultimate spell on 4th level (there are also some secret spells, which aren't documented in unit descriptions :) ).
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by ForPeace »

That's a great deal of good work :) I've read about it on Alvarisvet's Wesnothian Facebook page, but I didn't expect the project to be so expanded.

Why don't you release it on 1.12 server? The stable versions are way more popular than development ones and it's more likely for the players to download the add-on from 1.12 server rather than from 1.13 one. Are there any compatibility problems?
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by ForestDragon »

Man, this spellbook system is amazing! :D much better than those bland default mages, who are way too monotone
ForPeace wrote:Why don't you release it on 1.12 server? The stable versions are way more popular than development ones and it's more likely for the players to download the add-on from 1.12 server rather than from 1.13 one. Are there any compatibility problems?
well, there are some new WML tags in 1.13 which are probably used by most 1.13 addons, so it would probably be difficult for them to port it without breaking most of the fun gameplay of the addon. I am not sure if i am correct though.
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by py6aka »

ForPeace wrote:That's a great deal of good work :) I've read about it on Alvarisvet's Wesnothian Facebook page, but I didn't expect the project to be so expanded.

Why don't you release it on 1.12 server? The stable versions are way more popular than development ones and it's more likely for the players to download the add-on from 1.12 server rather than from 1.13 one. Are there any compatibility problems?
Thanks for your feedback! ForestDragon is right about 1.13. We using newest WML from last versions of the game. So, its shouldn't work correctly on 1.12. But we hope 1.14 will coming soon :)
ForestDragon wrote:much better than those bland default mages, who are way too monotone
That coz we released the idea for addon :)
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Silver Age #art

Post by py6aka »

As we said early we have 8 factions in plans. Work which we've just finished - creation of sprites to represent every faction and race. On picture below you can see (from left ro right):
  1. Bannerman representing The Royal Army (which is official name of wesnothian army).
  2. Ku'man'dan representing The MFNU (which is official name of necromancer's aliiance army).
  3. Forest Warrior temporarily representing The Eldahosse (which is elven-language name of the elven army) until sprite of 2nd level ''Master of War'' unit would be drawn.
  4. Mountain Warrior temporarily representing The Knalgan Home Army (which is official name of main (not mercenary) knalgan military) until sprire of 3rd level "Jarl" unit would be drawn.
  5. Strongman temporarily representing Three Hundred Tribes (name of orcish facrion) until sprite of 3rd level ''Сhieftain'' unit would be drawn.
  6. Dragon Fang temporarily representing The Imperial Army (The Dragon Empire is official name of drakes state). We're still working on this faction concept so we even don't known which unit would represent it.
  7. Thief temporarily representing The Blackwater Syndicate (wesnothian criminal organization) until sprite of 2rd level ''Filibuster'' unit would be drawn.
  8. Explorer temporarily representing Swamplings - faction of creatures, inhabiting swamps in springhead of the Great River, such as nagas, saurians etc. We're still unsure about which unit would represent the faction in final version.
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Silver Age #idea

Post by py6aka »

Today we'll talk about assistants of necromancers. Do you remember Igor? He is a stereotypical acolyte of the evil geniuses. Our necromancers also have servants and they are ghosts. Main idea of the servants is the ability to called back from the Shadow World after their death. So every time your assiatant killed you can return him for 25 gold coins via your recall list (all servants XP will be saved). Your acolyte is available from beginning of the game! Nice?

Era have 4 types of servants - one for each available leader. They're can take lvlUP twice (last lvl is 3rd).
Corpse Thief
First of henchman is a Corpse Thief. His main ability is "take corpse" special for attack. The ability mean when melee attack hits sleeping opponent, spirit seize its body, gaining full control over unit. Sounds good, don't think? You should use your leader to make opponent sleep and ghost to take its body. Also, this henchman have ranged attack with "sleep" special, but since effect persists only for 1 turn, ghost can't take bodies of units whom he narcotize by himself (they'll awake before ghost's next turn begin). But the special is still useful to deprive opponent of ZoC.
Evil Weapon
Next type of servants is a Evil Weapon. It is spirit without any material form. But, it can take control over things like swords or armours . This servant have "berserk" special for attack. It provides to be realy raged spirit with good mobility.
Night hounds
When you thinking about Night hounds you can remember Dayak from Immortel (2004). The necromancers using this servants like spies or hunters. Night hound have skirmish and backstab abilities for doing her work. This unit is good when you need to kill enemy unit in the rear.
Yeti rider (High sorcerer)
The last of henchman is spirit of yeti. Any analogy from cinema? Yeah, it's Harry from "Harry and the Hendersons". It's a stronger variation of leader without stand-alone servant (your leader is the spiritrider here). He have high damage and HP. We created him for gamers who wanna play by a steadfast leader.
fetan.png (1.79 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
corpse-thief.png (3.34 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
high-sorcerer-4-withghost.png (4.33 KiB) Viewed 7713 times
evil-weapon.png (771 Bytes) Viewed 7713 times
nighthound.png (2.54 KiB) Viewed 7717 times
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by ForestDragon »

ummm, you forgot to mention Fetan (the 'fetan.png' unit)
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by SaulBlack »

Fetan is 2nd level of Corpse Thief. There is also winged horse ghost on level 3, who able to leave to another dimension and thereby can't be attacked by enemy units))
p.s. Can't wait they draw animations for this horse, it should be something marvelous)
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by ForestDragon »

SaulBlack wrote:Fetan is 2nd level of Corpse Thief. There is also winged horse ghost on level 3, who able to leave to another dimension and thereby can't be attacked by enemy units))
p.s. Can't wait they draw animations for this horse, it should be something marvelous)
thanks for reminding me

EDIT: btw, pybaka, will the Silver Age's WIP version be released as an addon? it used to be in the Shadows of Death, but i don't know whether that's relevant now
Last edited by ForestDragon on December 3rd, 2016, 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
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Re: Silver Age (640 - 750 YW)

Post by py6aka »

ForestDragon wrote:ummm, you forgot to mention Fetan (the 'fetan.png' unit)
Fetan here is something like "label" for the post :) I think we'll make full review with WML part, like it was for spearman.
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