Long-term singleplayer map/mod?

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Long-term singleplayer map/mod?

Post by Banangroda »

I was wondering if there were any singleplayer maps or mods available for this game that enables long singleplayer games, like in for instance HoMM, instead of usual Wesnoth matches?
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Re: Long-term singleplayer map/mod?

Post by JaMiT »

I am a little confused about where you are coming from. I guess "usual Wesnoth matches" means multiplayer scenarios? Those are not "usual" for me, as I tend to not use Wesnoth as a multiplayer game. Rather, I tend to play the single-player campaigns. Which tend to be long single-player games, like the campaigns in Heroes of Might and Magic tend to be long single-player games.

So unless I am missing something, I suppose the answer is: yes, just do what you would more or less do in HoMM -- click on "Campaign" instead of "Multiplayer".
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Re: Long-term singleplayer map/mod?

Post by Amaroq »

If you're looking for simply longer-lasting, 2-4h battles, I've had a lot of fun setting up 3v3 fights on large random maps. (Multiplayer, Local Game, Random, Settings, cranking Width and Height up, set half to "Computer AI" and half to "Local Player")

I'll take control of one team of three and set myself against a team of three AI. Of course, I have to spot them some starting gold. 60x40 is a manageable size, but you can crank it up to 100x100 if you'd rather.

Sometimes such a "war" goes pretty quickly, over in less than 20 turns, but I can also get it balanced on a knife-edge where either it feels like I'm about to lose, but holding on, and have had several last 50 turns or longer.

Alternately, you might be looking for something more like Gambit's "GambCiv" era, SpenceLack's"Elvish Dynasty" campaign, or SigurdFireDragon's "Random Campaign".
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Re: Long-term singleplayer map/mod?

Post by Bob_The_Mighty »

The Altaz Mariners is a very long MP campaign that can also be played in single player mode. Is that the kind of thing you are looking for?
My current projects:
MP pirate campaign: The Altaz Mariners
RPG sequel: Return to Trent
MP stealth campaign: Den of Thieves
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Re: Long-term singleplayer map/mod?

Post by oea »

i think what is being asked about here is something i would love to see myself; that being a single designed battle map scenario.
something like playing the battle of elenesfar (crap i know i spelled that wrong) without having to play all the scenarios before it.
in homm i play the single maps all the time and dont bother with the campaigns as much.
the random map idea actually comes close to what i would like and what i think the op is asking about. but i would rather have maps that were designed for different tactics or whatever. something where you could just start and finish in one night and have a good tough strategic challenge.
campaigns are fun and always seem to have a few of those scenearios where you really get a great fight but you have to go thru a number of earlier scenarios before you get to that 'one great battle'. the exception to this so far for me, a wesnoob, was dead water which had a great battle right at the start [ed: blarg it was actually the 2nd scn doh] if you try to kill all the leaders (of course this is actually fairly limited in that you cant really recruit too many different types of units).
anyway back to the ops question, and mine as well, are there any single map type scenarios like that?
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