From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

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From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

Hello Wesnoth Community !

Here is the feedback thread for From Rocks and Blood (FRaB), a campaign I started to designed long time ago and that I first released on 1.14 in 2020.

I updated this post several times, but I let the oldest versions of this post in a code tag. In the end of this post, you will also be able to find the credits of all units / portraits that are not coming from me.

So, FRaB is a 23 levels campaign (5 are dialog-only) occuring in the universe of "Under the burning suns" mainline campaign.
You are going to take the role of Godug, leader of a reborning Troll tribe in the Dar Naal mountains.

"In the chaos of a devastated world, one troll tribe surviving in Dar Naal mountains, lost their leader at fight, Rajar, a great warrior.
Our heroe, Godug, a troll animated by a strong willing of change his spicie fate is choosed to be the new troll leader.
He will make war to the gobs, mountain creatures, undead and dwarves to permit his clan to get back the powerful of the past.
But Godug is not like a lot of trolls. He want to try to make peace with others inhabitants of the mountains, especially with the dwarves, because he is sure that the two people doesn't understand each other.
He want to build a great kingdom in the mountains in peace, but he will understand quickly that things are not so easy. These mountains are the subject of a lot of covetousness and conceal dark secrets well."

In this campaign, you will be able to use several new types of trolls :

-A berserker family (from lvl 1 to 3)
-A full shaman family (from lvl 1 to 3)
-A full lobber family (from lvl 1 to 3)
-2 heroes with specific stats and abilities.

And you will face new units that belong to other factions. For those who played my goblin campaign A Goblin Adventure (AGA), you recognize the goblins I created for this campaign.

Here is the link of the goblin campaign

I'm still trying to improve FRaB, and I continue to balance it as much as I can.

I hope you will enjoy to play this campaign !

Don't hesitate to leave feedback to help me improve this campaign, here or on discord !


Even if most of the artwork is from myself, some units and portraits are coming from different eras/campaigns.
Here are the credits. I putted under spoiler what I used from these authors.

Thanks to these amazing authors !

zookeeper -
SkyOne -
inferno8 - era of magic -
krotop - Nightmares of Meloen -
Eros - Sejournings of Grog -
hammer of thursagan campaign -
Rodil, Anthalia -
Under the burning suns campaign -
I'm not sure of the origin of two units that I'm using :
Thanks again to all of you for this fantastic world and game that Wesnoth is.

Original 2020 post

Code: Select all

Hello Wesnoth Community !

I’m very happy to announce you the release of my new campaign, From Rocks And Blood. The campaign is available to download on Wesnoth 1.14.14 in addon list.

I’m very happy to publish it because I started to work on it… In 2011 !
Of course, I stopped to play wesnoth during a lot of time (and several times !) since 9 years. But, every year, every two years, I was coming back to this campaign, working on details, fighting with bugs, learning WML, asking you dumb questions on the WML forum part ^^.

I made another campaign in the meanwhile, A Goblin Adventure, that you can download too. Here is the link ---

And that’s it, you can play it.

It's a 23 levels campaign (5 are dialog-only) occuring in the universe of "Under the burning suns" main campaign.
You are going to take the role of Godug, leader of a reborning Troll tribe.

"In the chaos of a devastated world, one troll tribe surviving in Dar Naal mountains, lost their leader at fight, Rajar, a great warrior.
Our heroe, Godug, a troll animated by a strong willing of change his spicie fate is choosed to be the new troll leader.
He will make war to the gobs, mountain creatures, undead and dwarves to permit his clan to get back the powerful of the past.
But Godug is not like a lot of trolls. He want to try to make peace with others inhabitants of the mountains, especially with the dwarves, because he is sure that the two people doesn't understand each other.
He want to build a great kingdom in the mountains in peace, but he will understand quickly that things are not so easy. These mountains are the subject of a lot of covetousness and conceal dark secrets well ".

It is a little synopsis. The story is full of events, unexpected situations and ennemies...

The main characters are:
-Firag, he is an advised troll sorcerer
-An unexpected allie (you will see in time)
-Crolog, leader of a lost troll tribe
-And of course Godug, King of the trolls.

BEFORE to post anything and even BEFORE playing if you come here before to download it, let me give you some important details :

-The dialogs are… In poor english. I’m french, and I don’t speak/read/write good english. For trolls and orcs, goblins, this can be ok. But for other people evolving in this campaign, and for the story parts (narrator, text between levels etc…) I find this VERY problematic. I’m asking for your help. I did my best, Google trad and dictionnary helped me a lot, but there is a LOT of dialogs in this campaign. So don’t be surprised, I hope you will not cry blood every two sentences. I’m a bit ashamed to give you the campaign as it is, but I don’t have many possibilities alone.

-1 of my custom unit have graphic problem ; the troll bowler (lvl 1). His bag is pink, It’s curious but until now I couldn’t correct it.

-I intend to reduce the number of custom units

-I intend to remove some dialogs

-Godug will have custom attack sprites (from now it's warrior sprites)

-Some [remove_shroud] tags need to be reworked.

-The income, gold and turn limit are to CHECK.

-I did my best to have a balanced campaign, but it’s possible, especially if you play in normal, that you will have a lot of gold from the 10th level . During my work, I focused on Hard difficulty, so maybe I need to rework some stuff (turn count, income etc…)

-Heroes will totally change in the future. Actually, my main character, Godug, will have the possibility to evolve as Kaleh in UTBS. His sorcerer, Firag, will also be able to choose his future abilities. From now, their stats and abilities are not balanced and not very interesting neither.

-I’m not sure if my custom units stats are balanced. I’m using my other campaign goblins, so for them I think everything is ok (I had some reviews and feedback from you about them). But for my custom trolls, I think I need to balance cost / traits / HP etc…. I need feedback from you guys !

-Major part of art (units, animations, misc etc…) are from me, but few stuff and code are coming from other addons. I will put the origin of these units in the campaign's credits, if their creators accept.

-I need to do a massive cleaning of all scenario XML files. It’s a mess, really. I also wanna put # to indicate what every event is for.

- This campaign will be wmllint AND wmllindent later. I will do the same for my other campaign, A Goblin Adventure.

-I lost my french dialogs and text, I do not intend to publish a french version, even if the campaign will be translatable.

The campaign is fully playable with (apparently) no bugs and I can't wait to have your feedback.

The version is 0.9, there will be no massive changes EXCEPT all the list I made before and a MASSIVE work on story text and dialogs !

Again, I'm sorry for the poor language. All the story.txt and all non troll dialogs will be rework.

Take care !
Original 2013 post

Code: Select all

Hi everyone,

I discovered Wesnoth about 3 years ago, and at this time i tried to develop a troll campaign. After almost 2 years of real-life occupations  :whistle: , i decided to end this one. 

So i worked, and i would like to know if you are interested/curious  :eng: 

First, you have to know that i have bad english (I'm from France), sorry for that.

This campaign is happening in the desertic future of Under_the_burning_suns campaign (my favourite campaign  :lol2:  in the mainline)

"In the chaos of a devastated world, one big troll tribe surviving in some mountains lost their leader at fight, a great warrior. 
Our heroe, Godug, a troll animated by a strong willing of change his spicie fate is choosed to be the new troll leader. 
He will make war to the gobs, mountain creatures, undead and dwarves to permit his clan to get back the powerful of the past. 
But Godug is not like a lot of trolls. He want to try to make peace with others inhabitants of the mountains, especially with the dwarves, because he is sure that the two people doesn't understand each other. 
He want to build a great kingdom in the mountains in peace, but he will understand quickly that things are not so easy. These mountains are the subject of a lot of covetousness and conceal dark secrets well ".

It is a little synopsis. The story is full of events,  unexpected situations and ennemies... The campaign include 23 scenarios (18 playable) and for now 12 levels are completed.

The main characters are:
-Firag, he is an advised troll sorcerer
-An unexpected allie (you will see in time)
-Crolog, leader of a lost troll tribe
-And of course Godug, king of the trolls.

Let me show you the units involving in this campaign, recruitable by the player (except goblins ^^).

I made the major part of units by myself (with animations for all units), but i took also some others away (like the goblin archer, or the fire shaman). I will put the origin of these units in the campaign's credits, if their creators accept.

For now, as i said, 12 levels are completed. But i want to finish heroes and units specifications before to go on.
I will need your point of view, if you want it, about units specifications  :hmm: .

Thanks for reading me!

Godug, King of the trolls
Godug, King of the trolls
godug.png (3.65 KiB) Viewed 8574 times
Sans titre.png (8.2 KiB) Viewed 8574 times
Troll Army
Troll Army
Last edited by Graziani on June 1st, 2022, 7:19 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Creator and maintainer of "A goblin adventure" (available) and "From Rocks and Blood"(available) --- Working on a new campaign "Facing Death"
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Paulomat4 »

sounds quite nice. where can we download it?
You might also be interested in this:
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

We can't download it, i'm working on the levels and the dialogs are still in french...
I probably release a beta version when the units and heros specifications will be ok
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Sapient »

Well, they are trolls afterall, so they don't have to speak perfect english. I think you can easily write the translation, if you feel so inclined. "Looks like your skills saved us again. Uh, well at least, they saved Soarin's apple pie."
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Paulomat4 »

i speak french, so if you want i could test it. :)
Last edited by Paulomat4 on June 19th, 2013, 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

Why not? It's very dificult for me to translate i'm so slow :geek:

For now I put order in my campaign files, my scenarios...
After that i will complete my heroes specifications and the beta will be ready
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

Hi again,

after 6 months i've done with all the 23 levels of my campaign!

I have to finish some code and details, but it seems quite good!

Now, i'm looking for some help to balance units, help me to clean my files... It's my first big campaign, i would like this one funny, playable and well balanced.
And, if it's still possible, help for translation, as i said before every speech in my wml are in french. I've to translate it, and make a french file for my campaign.

If someone is interested to advice me, help or anything you are welcome!

All my campaign is designed on BFW 1.10.6 for now.
When it will be ok for the 1.10 series, i will adapt for 1.11
Creator and maintainer of "A goblin adventure" (available) and "From Rocks and Blood"(available) --- Working on a new campaign "Facing Death"
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

Hello Wesnoth Community !

I’m very happy to announce you the release of my new campaign, From Rocks And Blood. The campaign is available to download on Wesnoth 1.14.14 in addon list.

I’m very happy to publish it because I started to work on it… In 2011 !
Of course, I stopped to play wesnoth during a lot of time (and several times !) since 9 years. But, every year, every two years, I was coming back to this campaign, working on details, fighting with bugs, learning WML, asking you dumb questions on the WML forum part ^^.

I made another campaign in the meanwhile, A Goblin Adventure, that you can download too. Here is the link ---

And that’s it, you can play it.

It's a 23 levels campaign (5 are dialog-only) occuring in the universe of "Under the burning suns" main campaign.
You are going to take the role of Godug, leader of a reborning Troll tribe.

"In the chaos of a devastated world, one troll tribe surviving in Dar Naal mountains, lost their leader at fight, Rajar, a great warrior.
Our heroe, Godug, a troll animated by a strong willing of change his spicie fate is choosed to be the new troll leader.
He will make war to the gobs, mountain creatures, undead and dwarves to permit his clan to get back the powerful of the past.
But Godug is not like a lot of trolls. He want to try to make peace with others inhabitants of the mountains, especially with the dwarves, because he is sure that the two people doesn't understand each other.
He want to build a great kingdom in the mountains in peace, but he will understand quickly that things are not so easy. These mountains are the subject of a lot of covetousness and conceal dark secrets well ".

It is a little synopsis. The story is full of events, unexpected situations and ennemies...

The main characters are:
-Firag, he is an advised troll sorcerer
-An unexpected allie (you will see in time)
-Crolog, leader of a lost troll tribe
-And of course Godug, King of the trolls.

BEFORE to post anything and even BEFORE playing if you come here before to download it, let me give you some important details :

-The dialogs are… In poor english. I’m french, and I don’t speak/read/write good english. For trolls and orcs, goblins, this can be ok. But for other people evolving in this campaign, and for the story parts (narrator, text between levels etc…) I find this VERY problematic. I’m asking for your help. I did my best, Google trad and dictionnary helped me a lot, but there is a LOT of dialogs in this campaign. So don’t be surprised, I hope you will not cry blood every two sentences. I’m a bit ashamed to give you the campaign as it is, but I don’t have many possibilities alone.

-1 of my custom unit have graphic problem ; the troll bowler (lvl 1). His bag is pink, It’s curious but until now I couldn’t correct it.

-I intend to reduce the number of custom units

-I intend to remove some dialogs

-Godug will have custom attack sprites (from now it's warrior sprites)

-Some [remove_shroud] tags need to be reworked.

-The income, gold and turn limit are to CHECK.

-One object is not working properly, it's a gift to one heroe lvl 13. Have to fix it

-I did my best to have a balanced campaign, but it’s possible, especially if you play in normal, that you will have a lot of gold from the 10th level . During my work, I focused on Hard difficulty, so maybe I need to rework some stuff (turn count, income etc…)

-Heroes will totally change in the future. Actually, my main character, Godug, will have the possibility to evolve as Kaleh in UTBS. His sorcerer, Firag, will also be able to choose his future abilities. From now, their stats and abilities are not balanced and not very interesting neither.

-I’m not sure if my custom units stats are balanced. I’m using my other campaign goblins, so for them I think everything is ok (I had some reviews and feedback from you about them). But for my custom trolls, I think I need to balance cost / traits / HP etc…. I need feedback from you guys !

-Major part of art (units, animations, misc etc…) are from me, but few stuff and code are coming from other addons. I will put the origin of these units in the campaign's credits, if their creators accept.

-i will add an ingame description for all custom troll units

-I need to do a massive cleaning of all scenario XML files. It’s a mess, really. I also wanna put # to indicate what every event is for.

- This campaign will be wmllint AND wmllindent later. I will do the same for my other campaign, A Goblin Adventure.

-I lost my french dialogs and text, I do not intend to publish a french version, even if the campaign will be translatable.

The campaign is fully playable with (apparently) no bugs and I can't wait to have your feedback.

The version is 0.9, there will be no massive changes EXCEPT all the list I made before and a MASSIVE work on story text and dialogs !

Again, I'm sorry for the poor language. All the story.txt and all non troll dialogs will be rework.

Take care !
Sans titre.png
Sans titre.png (8.2 KiB) Viewed 6065 times
Creator and maintainer of "A goblin adventure" (available) and "From Rocks and Blood"(available) --- Working on a new campaign "Facing Death"
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

-updated yesterday some dialogs level 8. It's online.

Some changes are coming this week :

-1) I realized that some of my end campaign enemies custom units have human hit sound. Gonna fix this.
-2) godug will have his own attack sprites and new stats. I don't want anymore to create a Kaleh-like way of evolving, I abandonned this idea for godug. However Firag character will change drastically. I want him to be able to use ice and fire magic. Godug, him, will have a fourth, maybe fifht different classic level evolution.

-3) An earthquake event isn't working level 14. Gonna fix it.
EDIT : It doesn't affect the level, the earthquake is triggering only dialogs.

An MP Era is on its way, starring all UTBS factions and FRAB ones.

Peace, take care
Creator and maintainer of "A goblin adventure" (available) and "From Rocks and Blood"(available) --- Working on a new campaign "Facing Death"
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by gnombat »

Graziani wrote: December 14th, 2020, 8:19 pm
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

Today updates (online) :

-fixed earthquake lvl 14
-modified main.cfg
-reorganized unit files in addon directory
-fixed dialog issue lvl 18 (some french I forget to translate)
-fixed an objective name issue lvl 18 (same)
-removed empty event lvl 20
-Godug have his own attack and defend sprites for all his evolution levels

Thanks to one PM review, I made a lot of changes concerning stats.

-The great troll shaman get 12 more hp (from 50 to 62). He is now physically stronger and resistant than the fire shaman.
-The troll fire shaman is a bit more powerful at range than the troll great shaman. He have now 58 HP instead of 52.

LVL 1 trolls changes
-The bowler have now 40 HP instead of 38 and cost 14 instead of 13
-The troserker have now 45 HP instead of 42 and cost 17 instead of 13. Added 1 damage to fist attack.

LVL 2 trolls changes
-The rocklobber have now 53 HP instead of 49
-The grunserker have now 63 HP instead of 55

LVL 3 trolls changes
-The boulderlobber have now 65 HP instead of 58
-The berserker have now 72 HP instead of 70

Crolog changes :
-Lvl 1 have now 58 HP instead of 55

Godug changes :
-LVL4 have now 82 HP instead of 75

Firag changes :
-Can use ice magic from LVL 3
-Have now 74 HP LVL 3 instead of 62
-Have now 52 HP LVL 2 instead of 50

Also updated, for my end campaign enemies and specials (thanks Gnombat!) :

The new version is 0.9.7. EDIT : The new version is

Will do in the next_days :

-Wanna fix the bowler (lvl1) bag color issue. Want also to add some details to his bag.
-Godug have the same issue on his arm (strip) that becomes magenta during his attacks.
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by HatGuy »

There is a problem loading the first scenario on 1.14.14.


Macro/file '~add-ons/From_rocks_and_blood/units/demons' is missing
at ~add-ons/From_Rocks_And_Blood/_main.cfg:37
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

Please delete manually your addon FRAB and install it again with the last version. Should work.

For those who already downloaded it and partly played it and who get errors about unit, please do the same and restart your save BUT from the story part of the scenario you were playing (not turn 1). It will work this way.

I made the mistake after initial release to modify main.cfg and unit directory organization. Sorry ! Please let me know if it works.
Creator and maintainer of "A goblin adventure" (available) and "From Rocks and Blood"(available) --- Working on a new campaign "Facing Death"
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Tarcil »

Played it through. A very good campaign which I´m enjoyed. Only a few errors occurred. The mission description in "They are Demons" is in french as well as one or two lines of dialogue. In the last scenario the Nagas did not appear, bc. the naga mage did not exist. The turn limit in the first 4-5 scenarios is a b it challenging. Maybe 5 more turns would be helpful, often I did it on the last 2 turn even if everything has benn smootly played by me.
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Re: From Rocks and Blood - Troll Campaign

Post by Graziani »

Hi, thanks for your review !! Glad you enjoyed ! I take note for the first scenarios and their turn limit.

Sorry about the nagas, another player PM the same issue. Frustrating to have a bug in the ending campaign ! It's because I changed XML organization in addon directory while people already downloaded it and I changed in the same time a lot of nagas stuff (very bad idea, sorry again !)

If you wanna finish this scenario, the only possibility is DELETE your FRAB addon directory, DOWNLOAD it again (last version) THEN to reload your save of scenario S21 BUT not in turn 1 but before (you need to see the story part of this level)

The french parts have been updated. Thanks again !
Creator and maintainer of "A goblin adventure" (available) and "From Rocks and Blood"(available) --- Working on a new campaign "Facing Death"
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