Rusty Sun Era - Q1 2023

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Rusty Sun Era - Q1 2023

Post by IPS »

Rusty Sun (RS) is an upcoming project that I have in mind, about a post-apocalyptical world after a nuclear devastation between humanity. So in some aspects, some factions are equiped with way better than modern weaponry while also not being capable to mass-produce them because of continuos wars between the factions because of wars for natural resources (scrap, oil, regions, even human resources) which makes really difficult to grown techonically at this point.

Its gameplay will be somewhat different from defaultish because units will have odd defense terrains, different ratios of damage/HP and some other things, which will make it be hard to use correctly againist default-like units (which will is intentional, but still not impossible).

Altought idea is later adding vehicle such as Jeeps and Tanks and who knows if many others, the first release of the era will not count with this and will come with only infantry (or similar role) which is more defaultish related.

Tanks will be released way later, and will usually be worth over +90g in most cases (around 7 times infantry costs or even more). And ofc, they will be related to their faction designsl later on.

First thing to mention in here is that infantry will have some different foot_types, which in short will be these:
- Noob_foot: human foot, but -20% defense everywhere, usually designed for lv0's.
- Rookie_foot: human foot, but -10% defense everywhere, most common in lv1 and in some heavy infantries.
- normal_foot: no defense handicaps or extras.
- Veteran_foot: human foot, but +10% defense eveyrwhere, some lv3 units in this era altought of low HP, they will have this extra.
- Swift_foot: altought extremely rare, this type of foot still exists here. Very out of the meta because of +marksman being present in mid/high level fights.

At the momment there are 3 factions in mind

Scrap Botherhood
This faction is built by descentralied hard-work men and cryminal groups and in continously wars between groups of survivors, which even if continously wars between themselves, in times that they have to join forces to fight another factions they will easily cooperate. They own the largest terrain area, most post-acpolyptic scrap resources (even if a small portion are still radioactive, they can procesate it and clean it for military use) and most living population.

Will potentially combine lawful, neutral and evil units.

Guns, Gattling Guns, Chainsaws, Swords, Shotguns, Blessed guns, armors of junk, bikes, blessed guns (well, in lv3 because of the intereaction with a private coorporation)

Units in mind:
1.- Gun guy - Lv0
HP 24 , Gun 6-1 pierce melee +first / 6-2 pierce ranged , noob_foot / price around 9g

2.- Gunman - Lv1
HP 32 , Gun 6-2 pierce mele +first / 6-3 pierce ranged , rookie_foot / price around 14-15g

3.- Junker - Lv1
HP 34 , Sword 7-2 blade melee , rookie_foot , price around 13-14g
Ressistances: 40% to impact, 30% to blade, 10% to pierce, 20% to cold

4.- Bike - Lv1
HP 35 , Bike-charge 8-1 impact melee +charge , Gun 4-4 pierce ranged, Calvary like movement/defenses, price to define.
Ressistances: 10% to impact, 20% to blade

5.- Zeal - Lv1
HP 37 , Sword 8-2 blade melee, Gun 10-2 pierce +marksman , normal_foot , 6 movement, quite expensive as high quality lv1 infantry.

6.- Gattling Robot - Lv1
HP 35 , Gattling Gun 5-5 pierce melee +dread (-2 strikes in defense), Gattling Gun 4-5 pierce ranged , floats (40% def in most places), expensive.
Ressistances: -10% to impact, 20% to blade, 30% to pierce, -10% to fire
Gattling decreaes hit chance by -10% but +1 DMG per succesful hit, which makes them devastating againist heavy infantry.

More units in mind already, even their advancement, but too much for first post....

Black Cells
This is the most chaotic evil faction of any all. An evil and malefic faction that wants the control of the world with inmoral human experimenting, biological augmentation, genetic manipulation and other kind of ugly technologies. While obvious enemy to be stop, only problem is that it will take several decades for Scrap Botherhood and Polygon Empire to finally ally and then rip-off this faction and end the war between all other factions.

Never short in population, just because of un-ethical treatment and excelently (inmoral) human resources management.

Faction will contain neutral and chaotic units.

Swords, Arm Crush, Visor Laser, Will suppresion, bio-engineering, regeneration, moderate healing, many other surprises...

Units in mind
1.- Brainless Lv0
HP 26 , 5-2 head butting impact , 4-2 Bite +drains , slower, noob_foot, very cheap.
+Feeding & Scavenger+3 (will heal whenever a living ally or enemy dies around them)
Ressistances: 30% to impact, 40% to cold, 0% to arcane.
They have an odd Apparatus in their heads, making them inmune to headshot, this unit has the most creepy lore.

2.- Dead Brain L1
HP 35 , 7-2 head butting impact , 4-3 bite blade +drains, noob_foot, no_zoc, very cheap
+Feeding & Scavenger+4
Ressistances: 30% to impact, 40% to cold, 15% to pierce (due sucess in macabre experimentating)

3.- Predator Lv1
HP: 38 , Swords 14-2 blade melee, normal_foot, 7 movement, regen+4, quite expensive
Ressistances: -10% to fire, 0% to arcane
While not smart, they're real natural killers, aving DNA of human and a kind of unknown alien.
At night, can cut some lv1 infantries if landing both strikes, being this its only use in which it's REALLY nice.

4.- Tall man Lv1
HP 42 , Arm crush 8-2 impact melee, noob_foot, slower, regen+4
Ressistances: 30% to impact, 20% to blade, 20% to cold

Their arms are probably x1.5 times longer than their body, reason why they're so dumb in dodging, but they hit somewhat hard.
More valuable when vehicles added.

5.- Viewer Lv0
HP 24 , laser visor 4-2 +precision(offensive) fire melee, 4-2 fire ranged +precision, noob_foot, quite cost inneficient.
Player will also be capable to recruit lv1 version of this.

More units in mind!

Polygon Empire
Designed to be the real future of humanity after they ally with Scrap Botherhood, this nation excels in having a (suspiciously) high tecnology level for its momment. While their realm is even one of smallest between all factions, they enjoy of finest precision technology and exotic weaponry such as Flying Polygon which names this nation that way. Mainly in conflict with Black Cells and many times being victim of elaborated scam by dishonest botherhood traders being this main reason why to start wars with dishonest groups of the botherhood.

Limited by low population, in lore, they cannot over-expand because of this. Reason why they worked so hard in inventing stuff to save human resources.

Faction will contian lawful and neutral units.

Lasers, Missiles, Guns (in moderate rates), shock-cubes and many oher surpries in soon!

1.- Laser trooper lv1
hp 30 , Laser 9-1 fire melee, Laser 9-2 fire ranged +precision(offensive) , rookie_foot, more expensive than gunman.

2.- (floating) Shock Cube lv1
hp 35 , compression 8-3 impact ranged +precison(offensive) +attack-only , oppresion 7-3 impact ranged +precision(offensive) +attack only, 4 MP, somewhat good movement costs, no_zoc, noob_foot, somewhat expensive.
Ressistances: 60% to impact & fire , 20% to pierce & blade, -30% to arcane
Statik, if being hit by melee, enemy will take randomly 1 or 2 damage. Being the only possible damage it can deal in defense.

Usually used as politial represion.

3.- Polygon Rider Lv1
hp 38 , clash 8-2 impact melee , clash 9-1 impact ranged , 50% defense everywhere, 7 MP , 21-22g cost (maybe more)
Ressistances: 20% to all , 0% to impact.

Oddity: in lore, their inside is bigger than outside! because of absurd-unknown technology.

4.- Spin-cone lv0
hp 26 , spinning 6-2 blade melee +hit-run(2) , inspired in steelhive cosmetic, similar to slasher but -10% def everywhere, not so expensive
ressistances: 20% to blade & pierce , -20% to impact, -10% to fire/cold, 30% to arcane.

Lv1 will also contain extra attacks, but not mentioned in this post.

More units in mind!

Attack Types
The era willl most likely use 5 or 6 attack types from default (dunno what use of cold giving to this era, but potentially nuclear or biological weapons IDK, will later see), still each attack type will have its own role and logic. Which will be the following:

Worst attack type in the era, as it will be only effective againist infantry or units with similar roles (most light units). Still there will be some small varations for this attack type.
1.- Swords/Blades: no multiplier againist anything, just the worst attack type in the whole era.
2.- Chainsaws/Circular-saws: likely very bad againist vehicles, but with the only difference that these aren't completely useless againist vehicles (usually with x2 - x4 multipliers againist vehicles, which is not enough to make them useful againist them, but clearly, not absolotely useless agianist them. Tanks will count with exagerated 80% or even 90% blade ressistance, which, will be rare using this type of attacks to shutdown a tank, STILL, giving huge +32/40/48 to this unit, which is quite very much valuable!

Best attack type againist infantry, still the second worst againist tanks/vehicles. Tanks will commonly rely on at least 70% pierce resistance while jeeps and other type of troops will be even 40-60% pierce ressistance. Still, there will be sub types of this attack.
1.- Guns: Normal pierce attack, no bonus againist anything, but quite cheap. Shotguns count in this type of attacks.
2.- Gattling Gun: Normal pierce attack type, -10% chance to hit but +1 DMG per each successful hit.
3.- Sniper: small bonus againist infantries (which makes them even worse againist vehicles) , still, they can +slow only to infantries.
4.- Railgun: High quality pierce technology that is effective againist infantry and vehicles alike. Will count with insane x4 to x12 damage multipliers depending the armor type of the vehicle/armored, altought, it's damage will be "normal" even with the really insane multipliers. While working well againist infantry, will not be cost efficient for this task.
5.- Flak: high probability to be implemented, will work well againist infantry and light vehicles while they will be real bad againist heavy vehicles (not much difference from guns).

Tanks will commonly have a machine-gun to defend themselves againist swarm of infantries, making really rough to shutdown a tank with gun attacks, STILL chainsaw more valuable at this point (not becaue of more damage, just because of lower retaliation from vehicles).

Most equilibrated physical attack type. Will be common in some melee units, in tanks ranged, unit with more exotic attacks, rockets, etc. Some impact attack will be real bad againist infantries while others will be average depending on the infantry type..
1.- Crush/Impact/Colition: Melee impact, no kind of multipliers to anything, but effective againist both vehicles and infantries.
2.- Cannon: primary attack in most tanks. Sometimes will count with extra damage againinist some type of vehicles, but will deal lower damage to infantries.
3.- Rockets/Missiles: Will have different multipliers values in comparation of Cannon. Will most likely work better againist small troops and light vehicles, still being average agianist more armored vehicles (weaker than cannon).

Usually more valuable than physical attacks, units having this will defenetively be more expensive. Still has sub variations.
1.- Lasers: no multipliers, high accuracy, tanks will naturally 30% or 40% fire ressistance, which is much lower than 70-90% to pierce. Average againist all type of troops, featuring high accuracy.
2.- Firethrower/incendiary missiles: flames, BURN, usually working better againist more light armored. Still being somewhat bad againist heavy armored.

Confirmed existence of this attack type in here! blessed guns and prism technology will be in here.
1.- Blessed gun: not much different from Gun, but arcane, usually more valuable againist most type of units (still weaker againist light armored infantry, unless specific black cell units)
2.- Prism Technology: long range, fragible artillery, high accuracy as laser, but arcane attack type.

Unsure how to implement this attacy type, but already mentioned that could be designed for biological weapons or radiactive attacks. Altought some units have already some resistance to this attack type still, sincerely, no planned unit owns this attack type actually.

Confirmed Armor types
The era will contain, a lot of attack multipliers depending the type of armor that unit has, which means, they will have this as atribute, meaning that depending on this, it's more or less suceptible againist certain types of attacks such as railgun, no-specials, etc.

1.- Light infantry: counts as infantry, vulnerable to Snipe and Incendiary fire. Slowed by +Snipe
2.- Heavy infantry: counts as infantry, but has better defensive properties, still slowed by +Snipe and will naturally have better ressistances and sometimes lower terrain defenses.
3.- Light vehicle: will naturally count with high ressistances (50-70% pierce, 65-85% blade, 40-50% arcane, etc). Altought having this type of armor means it will be affected by multipliers that lowers this units ressistance performance.
4.- Medium armor: more extreme ressistances, very poor terrain defense, units that will specialize againist vehicles using impact attack type will deal signifcant extra damage to them at the cost of lowering hit chance (for example 90% hit to 75% hit) , still this type of attacks will be likely be missing much againist infantries to be used agianist them.
5.- Heavy armor: Heavier means even more extreme ressistances and more insane multipliers from Railgun or attacks that are intended to deal "more stable" damage output againist these.
6.- Very heavy armor: At this point, only units that can deal decent damage to this type of units can kill, unless you attack with an infantry to shutdown a 2-4 HP vehicle with 1-2 damage per strike. Absolutely 85-95% pierce resistance and 1 damage from blade attacks that are not chainsaws.

Btw, looking for artist, will be posting about that in art topic in soon too.
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
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Re: Rusty Sun Era - Q1 2023

Post by IPS »

Second post regards the era, this is just to reveal more info about the game, specially related to Lore. And yes, not much after a potential first release, there will be a somewhat deep Lore about the units and factions, even if possible the potential to release some single player campgains that strongers even more the Lore.

1.- The born of Black Cells CORP (kind of single player campaign) - Events that lead this faction exist, even after an alternative WW III in this paralel universe of humanity. Proximate equivalent historical period of our times would be around 2032 for the start of this huge war and ending around 2050's (altought, they aren't exaclty us, but AS A REFERENCE) , so black cells born would be around 2048 or 2049 which is a bit earlier than the end of the WW III there. They also show more info that in fact , they have interactions with some kind of alien and macabre experiments for their creepy goals.

Next to mention , is not a campaign but just about featuring unit Lore.

Path of Altima
This one unit from Black Cells is very likely the most interesting of all the era. It has a total of 5 different levels with different roles, while at highest levels this unit is highly dangerous even having an apocalyptic name such as ALTIMATUM (Lv5 or Lv6).

Project Altima is the most macabre experiment of Black Cells corp. In resume (because of my lack of english), just telling it's about a Humunculus made artificially that in fact, has no brain and depends in the apparatus in its head to lead the body cells and more. Still, while young, this thing is absolutely dependant of the thing it has in its head to even survive.

Brainless - Lv0 --- low quality cannon fodder, stats explained in first post.
Stimated IQ of 15 but can act because of the thing in the head giving orders. It's rare it even survives long enough to Lv1 in Lore.

Deadbrain - Lv1 --- low quality cannon fodder, stats explained in first post.
Stimated IQ of 35 , it learnt the basics of supervivance and about obeying the thing in its head is the best way to survive.

awake - Lv2 --- low quality multi use fighter.
Stimated IQ of 70 , very arrogant, altought not very smart is very evil by nature and hates socializing. It's starting to have psychical properties, low in stats, but it defenetively highly dangerous if leveling up.

HP - 42
Phychic blast 9-2 impact melee/ranged (both ranges) +first-strike in melee
Veins cutting 5-4 melee blade +drains
Ressistances : same as lv1 , it maintains 4 movement points, but can float increasing slightly its movement costs. Foot_type improved to rookie_foot but with some levitating properties.

Master Mind - Lv3 --- multi uses infantry, can mind control lv0 and lv1, booster.
Stimated IQ 140 , it's really smart and somewhat charismatic. This proves how exponential is the mind growing of these alied beings.

HP - 52
Phychic blast 10-3 impact melee/ranged (both ranges) +first-strike in melee / +Skilled (at least 60% hit at both ranges)
Veins cutting 6-5 melee blade +drains +skilled /// for ranged there is version 5-4 of same.
Dominate 0-1 , if hitting a -lv2 unit, it will change of side !! , chances are higher the more difference level (around 50-60% for TWO less level). Enemy will not retaliate if this attack is used.

Ressistances: same as lv1 - lv2 , still, it improves foot to normal_foot , movement increased to 5 , levitates which means it has some movement costs than average.

Specials: +Rally (after this unit attacks, it will boost same level or lower level attack damage to +25%) , +Regen(4)
It's intentional that unit is not counter of anything in particular, BUT, is useful againist everything.

"Dwarwinist by nature, these merciless beings have learnt about the hostile world in which they were born. Oddly they accepted with extreme maturity about the facts of their world and even enjoy about laws of nature being applied "strongest shall survive, weakest will extintct" , so they joy of participating in the battlefield because of psycopathic tendencies combined of certain narcisism"

Project: Altima Lv4 --- multi use infantry, +leadership , mind control.
At this point, we start archieving apolyptical potential in here. In Lore there are only 2 individuals in this grade, one that leads the armies to fight and other that develops the weaponry , bio-engineering and future plans about black cells. They're working on also to attempt the creation of their younger brother ALTIMATUM , that if not interrupted, will lead Black Cells to victory over the rest of humanity ... attempt in which they by Lore fail, and their younger brother have to fight againist the remaining forces that stoped his 2 brothers just as an Project: Altima instead.

Stimated IQ: 245 , super human in terms of inteligence (and they don't have any brain at all...) , charismatic and even charming merciless psycopath. They just want to end the war quick to can still learn more about the world and misteries of the life and in overall more intersting thing that this "stupid" war and "plague of humans".

HP: 60
Phychic blast 11-4 impact melee/ranged (both ranges) +first-strike +Skilled (at least 60% hit at both ranges)
Veins cutting 7-5 blade melee/ranged (both ranges same attack) , +drains +skilled
Dominate 0-1 same as in lv3, but slightly more accurate because of level difference, it can now work over lv2 units.

Ressistances: same as in previous levels, normal_foot , slightly better movement costs. No handicaps in moats.
Specials: +Leadership , Regen(6)

"Too bad for these prepotent beings, bullied and even treat as something worser than garbagge by them, time for justice might come in soon ... all you will serve to me, my goals and you all will betray your race for something much better until I use you as natural resources much later hue hue hue ... [censored] things that only are useful to kill each other..."

ALTIMATUM Lv6 --- Multi use infantry, OP LEADERSHIP , OP mind control.
By Lore , none exists and black cells is trying at all costs having this exceptional being to end this war to finally own all natural resources (even biological ones....) , at this point if black cells successes, humanity will not extinct but will have probably a much worser fate as being treated as natural resources or even bio-engineering experiments... better nuke everything and prevent black cells win.

Stimated IQ of +450 , blatant how smart they're, more than any ever living person in history.

HP: 63
Phychic blast 12-6 impact melee/ranged (both ranges) +first-strike +Skilled (at least 60% hit at both ranges)
Veins cutting 9-5 blade melee/ranged (both ranges same attack) , +first-strike +drains +skilled
Dominate 0-1 same as in lv3, but MUCH MORE ACCURATE because of level difference.

Ressistances: same as previous levels , veteran_foot which means +10% defense everywhere. Almost flying if not better.
Specials: +Leadership , Regen(75)

There is no need to describe what would be the personality of an ALTUMATUM with just imagining Project: Altima , but crueler and smarter.

Oh yeah, they also have the super power of therorically regenerating to FULL HP if not slain in a single turn (still, poison can prevent them from healing a turn XDD), reason why they literally have apocalyptic potential. They can 1vs1 and defeat a tank and tankier enough to not be one-hit by a lucky lv4 unit. Which means if sorrounded by swarms of lots of units, this unit can literally be immortal in the battlefield.

More details of the era Colors & Key words.
Scrap botherhood --- emblematic colors : blood red, brown, yellow & gray // Rust, Hardwork, Criminal, diessel punk
Black Cells CROP --- emblematic colors : black, electric green , emerald green & red // bio-engineering , Alien
Polygon Empire --- emblematic colors : Cyan, Cerulean , Magenta // Synthwave aesthestic, Futuristic, Prysm, etc
Hells Ink --- emblematic colors : Black, White, Red & Silver /// Goth, Anti-vampire, catholic, etc

Hells Ink is a 4th faction that is not mentioned in the first post, they're so based & inspired by the anime Hell Sing, which provides to Scrap Botherhood some arcane weaponry among some of their shooters which leads them to have an optional lv3 advancement that fires holy bullets. They're are scarce (even more than Polygon Empire) in man force, but they're extremely rich somehow, and their troop are somewhat elitistic, and even hiring henchmen from Srap Botherhood to deal againist the outnumber problem. After the end of the war, part of their technology and resources are used in the post-war alliance which will pump humanity to great times for few hundreds of years.

Even, idea is porting some of the most compatible units to default gameplay to even Ageless Era unit data base, even considering a "rebalanced" version of Polygon Empire to suit more to more normal gameplay.
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
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Re: Rusty Sun Era - Q1 2023

Post by IPS »

This is the first leak about the Scrap Botherhood faction. Explanation.

Scrap Botherhood
Scrap Botherhood is a ranged faction , which means their gameplay consists in most in ranged, while junk swordsmen are intended just as cheap damage sponges and to repell the even more aggresive melee harass from Black Cells predators that are DEADLY 14-2 blade +chaotic modifier (to be around 17-2 , if not strong) unit that when hitting TWICE is intended to insta kill lv1 infantry units unless high quality ones.

Gunman and their higher level, are very deadly in offensive, but need of being covered. Gunguy can be a factible plan but more risky and situational in case maps are larger or more open field for even more damage (but a really bad idea when dealing with another Scrap Botherhood opponent, unless you are attempting to level a lv0 gunman)

Chainsaws are highest melee DPS in the faction, STILL, they're not that good, and they're just a more aggresive repulsion to hungry melee assasins (maybe will consider 30% blade resistance for chainsaws, just to make it a BAD idea meleeing this unit). Altought they lack of versality, they at least can do some small damage to tanks (instead of crappy 1-2 , 2-2 or 3-2 lol , but a little more to at least consider last hitting a tank with chainsaw).

Junkers are pretty bad overall, they also help you to maintain yourself alive for any type of melee harass, which is valuable to cover Gunmen. Junk Patrol also gains a gun in melee, and pierce being a better attack type quite helps and chance to retaliate by weak 7-1 to ranged.

Zeals are extremely nice infantry, hybrid fighters that have somewhat high evasion and high accuracy revolvers that makes them deadly at both melee and ranged, can still do somewhat fair good melee damage with their swords. In higher level, this unit is a thorn-mail, always dealing agianist this unit using infantries will hurt no matter what, and sometimes RNG be with you at repeling Predators, they also gain shotgun attack in lv3 and lv4 (same as lv4 Divine Purifier) for better retaliation in melee. Consdering that Lv4 Exterminator when vehicles get released, to get a Bazooka (as well his shotgun) in his red cape, to be even be a danger to tanks.

Gatling bots , are very deadly machines that will counter the most to pierce attackers, still, they're quite expensive!! maybe will of consider decreasing their melee later or I don't know, but they specialize in HEAVY DAMAGE over units with very poor evasion. Among strongest Lv2's but hard to obtain and expensive to recruit.

Bikes are Scrap Botherhood scouts and village capturers. They also are quite tanky and having fair damages at both melee and ranged, but specializing being signficantly toughter than Gunman (maybe, more HP for bikes if needed...?)

This the first planned recruitment list of Scrap Botherhood, hard work men that survives with some cryminals in their daily life.
This the first planned recruitment list of Scrap Botherhood, hard work men that survives with some cryminals in their daily life.

Black Cells
Black Cells is a melee faction. They specialize in very aggresive harass as well of bulking the fields of real cheap crap lol. Playing as this faction means you will have to correctly coordinate between the very cheap cannon fodder and the really good infantry you're hiring. Even if their highest damage dealers are not high in accuracy, most of the map will be at your mercy specially in night time in which Predators will be +25% damages. Maybe some low tier lv1 will have low upkeep special to make them fair and not being eaten by high upkeep.

Brainless / Dead Brain
Cheaps cannon fodder, in lv0 and lv1 both don't have Zone of Control, but they're pretty cheap to spam, still they don't have any damages to be a harm by themselves and need more aggresive support. Will of consider of low-upkeep for them. They can also reheal when ally and enemy alike dies next to them, whcih makes army way more toughter.

Recruitable lv2 , pretty cheap for lv2 and considering low-upkeep for them. Hybrid fighter that does not specialize in anything particular, but quite useful againist everything at both melee and ranged. Maybe considering +Marksman or +Skilled for their psychic blast (impact) attacks and who knows if to close range melee veins cutting. They can feast of dying enemy and alies alike.

Viewer / Visionarie
The only ranged unit in the faction, still a GOOD one. Not quite cost efficient but they work well with hich accuracy attacks to last hit stuff, as well of very valuable fire laser damage which is effective againist all types of infantries and in overall a decent attack type againist vehicles. Visionaries are tankier than gunmen and they hurt much at both melee and ranged, still, threats of Cyclops is always present as they possibly will level up quickly due their higher cost.

Predators and Advancements
Lv1 Predators are the only recruitable. But still , they are cappable of 17-2 at night time (even without strong trait), which makes them absurdly deadly specially at night time. Their only one use is murdering infantries and if lucky, they can target important enemy units. Considering about the possibility to add +Skirmisher to compensate their high cost, or who knows if bloodlust to lv1 too (meaning they can potentially heal after archieving a kill). They also have insane 7 movement and considering their high 38 HP, it's literally inhuman !!

Tall man
Mediocre lv1 sponge damage. Tons of health but extremely poor evasion. Cheapest zone of control unit. They're tanky enough to survive 7 strikes of lv1 gunman, which means it can cover and survive a 3 exposed tiles againist Scrap botherhood with real low risk of dying unless they hire more expensive Gatling bots but this means they are more easily swarmed by your deadly Predators. They also are cheap good bulk againist melee, forcing opponent factions going more ranged builds.

Scout / Research Sentries
Cheaper multi-use scouting unit. Cheaper option to grab villages than Predators. Thanks to their shape they enjoy of nice pierce ressistance which them somewhat tanky just againist pierce and arcane. They will ignore enemy zone of controls, being good options to last hit enemy units. They in any case can be sacrificed to deal a 80% hit accyracy explosion damage to enemy unit at the cost of all remaining HP of the sentry. They can also attack then run 1 tile, which allows them to last hit enemy over villages or not rough terrains and allow them to ocupate the same tile. They're quite nasty to deal, but at least they can't of lv2 thanksfully for opponents...
The first planned recruitment list for Black Cells, malicious and creepy criogenic humans.
The first planned recruitment list for Black Cells, malicious and creepy criogenic humans.
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
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Re: Rusty Sun Era - Q1 2023

Post by IPS »

Hells Inks house
Faction which thematic is notably inspired by Hellsing anime , and with assasins that will remmind assasin screed but instead with black hoods.

This faction is hybrid range faction, so they have access to both good melee and ranged units alike. Because of their nature and being outnumbered, it's intended that they have issues at over-expanding because of not being numerous, still, they have insane pressure and control over small but important areas. Where Hells Inks sits, usually will dominate there, but they always have to be careful of not being flanked by a weaker spot.

In Art topic, I've detailed a little more from their lore than in here.

Lore leaking: it's the same Priest from Scrap Botherhood in one of the lines, meaning all of them serve to Hells Inks but some of them also serve to scrap botherhood armies, ones which aren't trained from hells ink itself but hired as mercenaries from scrap botherhood. This negotation/interaction has a lore.

Their gameplay.

Black Gun
These black hat men are more trained gunners than gunman from scrap botherhood, meaning they're better lv1 but also more expensive. They don't have defense penalties even in lv1 , few more HP's (some enough) to sometimes not be slain of 2 of 2 strikes by Predator in night , fact that will DEPEND in units traits. Higher defense, 2 more HP, some better res to magic and better melee than scrap botherhood gunmen, they still have the same lv1 to lv3 ranged attacks. -With the only difference that lv2-lv3 are tankier but will cover less area because of 1 less movement.

Holy Gunner
The only recuitable lv2 advancement from Black Gun, it's the blessed weapon patch of black gun. They're very situational and somewhat expensive compared to lv1's , only featuring good magical ressistances and arcane attack type. Not as cost efficient as Black Gun but option is there.

Flame Thrower
This is a stronger lv2 unit that this faction can recruit. They will be costing around 2 times more than some lv1 units, but is necessary to deal againist black cells swarm which is the main use of this unit. They're insanely strong in 60% defense terrain where they're really hard to counter to any non lv2 gunner which are rare in the normal version of the era, while in 40% defense they would not justificate their high pricement. Black cells depends on Awake (lv2 low quality ranged impact multi use) to can deal againist this unit. They're quite resistant to blade (20%) and absurdly resistant to heat.

In more complete gameplay, they're also quite useful againist vehicles, which balances them and their pricement when added lv2 gunmen and tanks in the era.

Flame Thrower altought being a strong unit, it will die quickly againist Scrap Botherhood gunners if on low 40% defense, so you will be paranoid on not moving him away of higher defense terrains if not wanting to lose him. Compared to Sentinel, Flame Thrower (being more expensive) is a less risky purchase againist a random/unknown opponent compared to buying a Sentinel.

It's a expensive lv1 unit, which is highly armored unit that has an amazing 50% pierce res, for which you will be looking them for. They have quite high ressistances agianist everything but very low defense terrains (-20% in every place), which makes them not very durable againist other stuff (still, 20% fire ressistance is good againist lasers as more ressistance is good). You will consider buying this to counter specially to Scrap Botherhood gunmen spam. This unit is hybrid fighter, having same ranged and melee in lv1-lv2 while in lv3 around same damage but different strike/damage attacks.

Sentinel altought of ressistant to blade and impact, they are NOT cost efficient for this labor, meaning blade and impact are good attacks to deal with this unit. You will have to avoid recruiting Sentinels when dealing againist Black Cells.

ADVISE: confusing with the recruitment of one Sentinel OR Flame Thrower when it doesn't correspond, will handicap Hells Inks player severely.

These are the faction's scouts, they're cheapy 7 movement scout, still good to deal againist some infantries, but being a low tier scout that is intended to be cheap 7 movement unit. They have somewhat good evasion but they're ruined out of massive pierce weakness, meaning that attacking with them will hurt them significantly. Unit stats are an aproximation , but the concept is there, still this type of units is what counters Sentinels in a mirror match. They also have skirmisher which will help at last hitting stuff.

Fiel Medic
Hells Ink is capable of recruiting lv1 medics that can heal alied units around them. In terms of combat they're like lv0 gunguys from Scrap Botherhood but with some more health and healing capabilities (and zone of control), they suffer of -20% defense penalty because of being civilians, which makes them fragible. When advancing , they can remove their defense handicaps and gain relatively good toughtness and respectable ranged OR having access to heal+8 but maintaining the -20% defense handicaps (still , both advancement have same HP).

Editing the post later to add Polygon Empire which will be the 4th mentioned faction and last one which will be mentioned before working on the era.
Hells Ink corp, private corporation that excels in killing paranormal amenazes, vampires, werewolf and other amenazes.
Hells Ink corp, private corporation that excels in killing paranormal amenazes, vampires, werewolf and other amenazes.
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
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Re: Rusty Sun Era - Q1 2023

Post by IPS »

On this post I'm adding the 4th and for the momment last faction to mention for a while, as sincerely I do not have more factions in mind for now AND there are units to start in working in soon, after suggesting some people to help me with this project :mrgreen:

Lastly to mention, I've realized some issues with the balance with the original values of some older units when making newer units, thing that ofc I will be fixing much later.

Polygon State
This very futuristic faction, is hybrid range faction. It has access to quite good melee units, but also have some of best ranged units in the era! Incluiding more complicated gameplay because of units with un-ortodox roles and similar to Hells Ink, commonly outnumbered.

For the time this story relates, this faction shines because of mysteriously HIGH technology level (maybe... intervention of time travelers? accurate strange militar skirmishes that for some reason WORKS well becuase correct timing and oportunistic? WELL too suspicious...) but didn't overwhelm the Rusty Sun Era earlier because they started as very small population and gradually growing and growin until their victory was inminent, which lead the whole Scrap Botherhood confederation to centralize and then Ally to this faction viewing an huge potential in these previosuly highly underrated Polygon State.

Polygon State gameplay

Laser Trooper
This unit is most lv1 ranged unit in the era. It's fire 18 fire (or 14 pierce) 80% hit chance makes them to have the highest Lv1 damage that can also retaliate, from an attack type that is far superior than pierce and additionally got forced to give them pierce attack type to their lasers to not be completely useless againist too heat resistant units. They're not very tanky so they're quite fragible to physical (as much as lv1 gunman, but slightly more "magical" resistant and costy). Standard unit with strong ranged.

Shock Cubes
Oh yeah, hologram cubes that can increase atmospheric pressure or sending heat waves over enemies! they're from very remote powerful AI's that are THAT powerful enough to have a "hologram avatar" which allows them to present in a place allowing them to cause havoc on the fields. They're not very expensive but their ranged damage is INSANE which makes enemies o panic when being attacked (+dread decreases damage taken 1/3 when used in offensive) , having most insane values of damage in any existant lv1 unit in the WESNOTH itself. Only detial is that they CANNOT counter-attack with these very powerful 8-3 with 80% hit chance. They can also apply debuffs like +Stun which negates that unit ZoC for a turn or applying +Dazzle debuff which decreases enemy unit hit chance by -10% and decreases unit defenses by -10% as well. Forgot to mention in the image all of them do not have ZoC. When attacked by melee, enemy unit will take 1 +25% of unit's melee damage (ignoring cube resistances) in form of fire damage (rounded down, increased or decreased by enemy ressistance)

Their ressistances are very excentric, being very resistant to any type of explosions or impact attacks, while being weak to arcane and cold because it makes interference with AI's signals that allows it to cast/summon a hologram shock cube there. Their terrain defenses are also BAD, 4 movement is slow, but rewarded by floting properties. Artistically this unit has 3 colors depending if it's attacking, stand-by or concetrate, which will be rough to animate later. When attacking it sounds like SNES games earthquakes.

They also have an optional advancement for "nemesis" cubes that are faster, more deadly (but only fire) that can pick between RANGED or MELEE but this attack being only usable in offensive.

This is a more hybrid , atletic and armored infantry. Is a GOOD lv1 unit, with fair melee and ranged damage alike, which chines at having decent physical ressistances and in overall, GOOD ressistances. Unit has no deficiencies in any aspect, just that is a bit costy. It also has superior tankyness, superior health, better ressistances, no defense handicap, 1 more movement, good melee and decent ranged, yeah a good unit. It can specialize in more tought and mele version or can focus more to be a more ranged unit with arcane blasts over enemies. Forgot to mention that this unit can repair alied mechanical units even a bit in all 3 levels, which I did not add in the images

Polygon Rider
This unit is literally the unit that gives this name to the faction. Tanky scout that is pretty tought and hard to kill, decent mobility and quite expensive, but it's really good to absorb damages and kite enemies. Building this unit gives you scouting potential, tankyness, which in the right proportions makes Polygon State formations be really solid.

Coner Spinners
Lastly we have the cheapest unit of the faction, cone spinners. They're small cutting machines that can harass enemy infantries without having retaliation or being used to boost their accuracy and damage at the cost of taking some retaliation damages. Generally this unit is really good to take away certain units in villages and cheapest early village capturers. If played steelhive and used Slashers , you will be familiar with this concept but with -10% defense terrains. Will be viewing much later if they need or not of skirmisher, and other details about this unit.

Will later consider of consider some type of medics to allow Polygon State to counter new Black Cells unit.
Polygon State, futuristic and mysterious faction.
Polygon State, futuristic and mysterious faction.
Also, will mention that I've considered some issues in balance without the implementation of these units in the 2 factions... will shortly explain them !!

Bike Medic will be costing around the same as Bike, with fewer damages and -10% defense in all places except village and castles. Their only use is to heal from poison and damaged units around them, while as well being slightly slower than a Fighting bike.

Black Cell's Archers is an unit that fires some kind of futuristic bow that allows some of their infantries to fire allows at real long distance. They are capable of both firing deadly poisoned arrows OR biological smoke around the area that deals cold damage type. Their tankyness is fairly good to be ranged unit, no defense handicaps, more ressistance to "magical" and well, a good unit in overall. Their main defects is at not having any type of melee (firing with a bow at short range is way more annoying than doing with a gun or crossbow) and that buying ONE Archer means you will be hiring one less Predator because both units costs the same, but it's a good choice to mantain your villages safe from gunner spam and to take down annoying Lv2 flame throwers from Hells Inks.

New units for Scrap Botherhood and Black Cells
New units for Scrap Botherhood and Black Cells
Edit: lv2 middle archer advancement does not have the same 34 hp as of lv1 XD , still it has 1 more movement unlike the others.
Creator of: Deathmatch new in 1.12 server.
Co-creator of: Era of Magic in 1.16 server
Developer of: Empires in 1.12 server, Ageless Era in 1.10 to 1.16 servers (but innactive recently)
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